Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

My birds sometimes get little warty like things on their feet. It is not bumble foot, but more of a callus. I havn't figured out anything to do for them except get them on the grass where it is softer, there is no infection to cut out. I did put a string around one of them last fall and it fell off the bird's foot.
These are very big masses in the middle of the feet- two of them have it on both feet, but the other one doesn't. The female barely walks- its so sad. I won't be able to soak them and see how bad it is til later since we have more basketball games this afternoon. I got all the supplies though. It explains why they are so dirty though- they haven't gottne in the pools AT ALL. My birds are so white they glow, but these ones are peach.
I hope you can get to it soon. It sounds like they are in a lot of pain. Poor things. Do you have pictures of the bumble foot? I've never seen it in a goose. This way at least I know what it is if I ever spot it on my geese. I've taken care of a chicken with it but it wasn't too bad. Never had to do any cutting. It was rather easy with the chicken. Good luck.
I knew something had to be wrong- with how the girl was just sitting all the time, and then couldn't get up the ramp. It was bad weather so I didn't fill the pools one day, but still- they did not swim at all. The behavior is what gave it away. From the top you couldn't see it at all- they just look dirty. I will take pics tomorrow when we start. 4 feet might take a while!
If its that bad where the bumble has extended the foot and their is heat in it i would talk the vet into letting you have some injectable antibiotic like baytril. Thats what i used on all of my ducks, goose, and swan that have/has it. Holderread discusses using terramycin in stories but not sure on dosing.
I picked up some duramycin. We're waiting on somebody to come pick up the 2 Cotton Patch (finally!) and then we'll try to get at least one of the Sebs started today. Great news though- its been too cold to fill the pools for a few days so I finally got to fill them today. Oh my gosh it was a splash fest. You could tell all the geese were soooo happy to finally swim again. I had to fill the pools twice- and the 2 with the bad feet got in!!!!
I know that once all these issues are taken care of they are going to be beautiful and valeuable members of the flock. So glad there are so many great goose people here to help. Thanks everybody!!!!
Ok- we got one foot done on the smaller boy, and the worst one on the female. I don't wnat to have them walking on two wrapped feet at once, so we did the most painful looking ones. Plus I used almost 2 rolls of wrap. Graphic pics.
The ganders 1st foot:

And this is the goose's 1st foot- see how pale her foot is?

This is the tumor:

So we have 2 more feet to do. Going to see how this "surgey" takes.

On a lighter note- here's the other boy that is actually in good shape, if not sad because he's been the "spare" gander. I have a girl for him. Hope he's going to love her as much as I do.

And here's the pool scene earlier, after a few days of frozen water
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Is that my boy????

Those feet look icky, that's not what my birds get. I'll have to get some photos some day. Hope they heal up quick.

No- this is one of the trio that I just got. Ollie is paired up with my lavender gander still- couple of love birds!
Wow, he turned out gorgeous once he got a bath. Did you have to "blue" them **lol**

He should make beautiful babies with your buff smoothie == sign me up!!

How's the bumblefoot on the other 2? That's really sad...

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