Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I am buying a trio of colored goslings from Celtic Oaks Farm! YAY!!!!!!! I am soooo excited!

LoL Kat, yep the bucket works great at that size. Nice looking babies. Wish you would shop, would gladly take those buffs off your hands.

Daze will try and update with new photos, too cold out here today with extra strong winds to
Let them out to play.
ohhhh look who we brought home today!!! A brother for my 3 girls! I was selling Sadie's eggs to Becky already and yesterday I saw that she had a lone gosling male for sale. Well, my brain started thinking of how we could work that out and bingo...TRADE popped into my mind and today it's done! He's a love, and he hatched on the exact same day as Sasha, Sophie and Scout! 3/29/12 is a lucky day I guess and now he's even showing some grey feathers growing in, despite Becky thinking he'd be all white. He got to hang out in our grass pen for a few hours, and we just about had to drag them out of the grown ups' overnight pen, but once they got out, they ran across the backyard following my DD to their overnight heated shed. He's in there and cuddling with the 3 girls. He loves to eat hair, and we love him already. He's so sweet, and Becky, if you see this, you did such a great job raising him to be such a sweetheart! I caught Sasha and him (Simon) resting up against each other about an hour after I got him home, and her head was on his adorable!
Here are a couple of early pics...wet, cold, and almost dusk...ergggghh, not the best photo conditions.
This is Simon with Sadie:

Now Sammy with Simon and 2 of the girls:

and giving my DD a bedtime kiss (eating her hair really):
I also love that bucket of babies! That'll work for this week anyways (or less) then you can use it to carry 1 at a time. We used a cat litter bucket and had to just use it once...they got so big so fast! Now we just run and have them follow us from 1 backyard daytime pen to the opposite side of the yard nighttime shed...what a sight! "C'mon babies, c'mon!"
That is a big boy! I love it when they are big loves! I love it when they eat your hair too! So you cool you were able to make a trade that worked for both of you.
Christine congrats! Look up horizon shipping boxes, the swan box holds two adults nicely. You can go off of their measurements for a crate for the car. Large size and enjoy.

I feed mazuri and oats and boss to all the geese. A few don't like boss though

The mazuri is waterfowl I assume? And the oats, are they whole or rolled?
Daze yes Mazuri waterfowl food. Right now they get a 50/50 of starter and layer from Mazuri, no oats right now. Whole oats for adults, rolled oats for younger birds. Soft oat hay, and all the grass they want.

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