Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Celtic - Super pics! :D

The grey curly is a beautiful bird.

My SB gosling foot is flattened out just as it should after a couple of wraps! I think he thinks were trying to torture him, we have him rubber banded now. He ended up a bit spraddled after the sneaker!

Thanks again for the advice!
Poultry, we have a goose who wallows in mud holes. She then takes all the mud to the pool. Our mud holes are sand based though around here.

Thanks Renie, not even everyone pictured, but I had the laptop out and could access the good pictures for once.
Celtic oaks farm- Gorgeous birds!!
Love the last picture, they are so elegant.
I wanted to publicly thank Kimberly.
I have a wonderful gander, 2 adorable Sebbie goslings, and 3 BEI.

Kim- It was a real pleasure to meet you and your flock. My sister and I had a fun road trip to see you. Sandra rode the whole 3 1/2 hours home with her hand in the box petting the babies. She was never a poultry person but I think I am slowly wearing down her resistance. HA.
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