Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Here are some more updated pictures, do you still think the little sebbie is going to be a grey? that is a grey dewlap toulouse on left and sebbie on right.she kinda looks silverish to me

Sebbie on right

The little sebbie on right has a white tip on the end and edge of her wing will this fade out eventualy? I kind wish it would stay

Better picture of white on wing tip

Sebbie on right

Picture of sebbie

Any help/advice would be great!
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Poultry, yep a grey. The grey color presents itself in a wide variety of shades from light to dark and they don't have just one tone when they are a grey. Typical grey Sebastopols have whites as well as a few shades of grey on their adult feathers. Yours could be a lighter tone of grey, or could feather darker. Will be fun to watch it feather in, which it won't be long before you start seeing the first signs of feathers starting.

aaa, yours is a gander at best guess from those pictures/angles. No distinct cap and saddle would have me saying its a gander. The girls as goslings get a very disguishable dark cap and saddle. Of course this is only true on goslings from all white parents.
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Celtic thanks He is supposed to be from all white parents, I specifically asked for only white, but who knows from ebay! Of course the only one of 7 from 3 different sellers to hatch would be a gander, but I am in love so now to find him a white goose ...or two... any ideas where to get a goose?
Here are some more updated pictures, do you still think the little sebbie is going to be a grey? that is a grey dewlap toulouse on left and sebbie on right.she kinda looks silverish to me

Sebbie on right

The little sebbie on right has a white tip on the end and edge of her wing will this fade out eventualy? I kind wish it would stay

Better picture of white on wing tip

Sebbie on right

Picture of sebbie

Any help/advice would be great! Blues babies are lighter than the grays. Could be a blue.
Celtic what would a taffy look like as an adult? I have one who is supposed to be white who looks like the one aaajjss1 sent in also from ebay eggs. Hmmmm... By the way Patton has an appt. with the bird vet today at 5 p.m.

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