Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Shannon, no I just re-read the post. That's an iPad auto correct. LoL, so it now reads gander not taffy.

aaa single females will be tough as most sell as pairs or ganders only. Shoot me an email though I can give you some leads.
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aaa, is the gosling from all white parents?
Daze, oh yes those, very soft aren't they? How is the Toulouse working out? How are the babies?
The toulouse is a sweetie! "She" hangs out with my lone gander and the two gray girls. (I only let the gray girls out of their pen when I am outside as we have eagle problems.) She seems to be boss over my gander though...not sure what that means. But she is very interactive and curious, comes to see what we are doing. I took her to the vet for the coughing/sneezing/trouble breathing she had and the vet said she had a wheeze in one "lung", thinks it is pnuemonia so she is on Baytril for it. We didn't do x-rays because of the cost. She seems to be feeling better, I now see her running across the pasture with her wings out like she may take off at any moment. =} She eats dirt! LOL

The babies are doing wonderfully! The gray girls (Sassy and Poppy, aka the twins) are getting really big and feathering out nicely. Their long wing feathers are coming in really dark and are a nice contrast to the medium gray on their shoulders and white on their tails. They are still very friendly and follow us around, but also have independent time when they play in the pools and run around with their wings out. Gurty, the toulouse gets after them a little, but they learn to stay out of her way.

The two youngest babies, we named Tiger Tail and Twinkie are growing like weeds! Yesterday we made them a day time playpen. Tiger is very, very attached to me and loves to sit in my lap. I sat with them for a while and then they got quite upset when I left them. The white flock and the gander/toulouse/twins flock came to see them and all honked and gabbled around at the fence between them all. We call this a family reunion. =} It is quite noisy though. But they seemed to have fun and were ready to come inside in the evening. Tiger is surpassing Twinkie is size now. He is heavy! They are both just starting to get white baby feathers on their shoulders and tails.
I will try to get some pics of them all today. Thank you for all the fun babies Celtic!!!
Celtic Oaks,
I have 2 lavendar girls...they are a soft, pale pastel ever so faint lavendar....what does a lilac look like in comparison....the pic a few posts earlier is a little dark for me to it a buff type of color over a lavendar, or a darker almost lavendar color?
Ragdoll, try clicking the images to view them full size, they are all taken in good natural lighting. It sounds like its on your end that they are dark. Peaches (the lilac adult) is a buff over tone with tipped color that is deffinetly not lavender. She isn't highly social, but will try for a close up of her feathers while she is out front today.

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