Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Celtic.... are the colorful Sebbies being shown anywhere?? I have been a dog show person for nearly 30 yrs.. but have no experience with showing birds of any kind. Now this is my opinion... and take it for what it is worth... IF there isn't already a group or club established to promote the Sebbies of color.... There needs to be one holding their own shows.... introducing the public to all the wonderful possibilites. This will generate more interest...and I bet my bottom dollar the APA will soon show interest too. :)

We adore our Sebbies. After hatching, we raise them for a few months inside before putting them with the rest of the flock. We take them outside on little jaunts so they can forage and get fresh air and sunshine. It still amazes me how quickly the adult geese welcome the little ones. We have had no problems integrating new goslings...even with Mr. Crabby Pants gander in the throes of breeding season. He's been gentle and welcoming to all the littles. Is it like that for everyone?

The pic of the gosling in the kitchen...he was the lone survivor of a fox attack. All the ducklings that were with him were killed. He had his neck ripped open. There was not enough skin to stitch him back together. I really did not believe he would make it when we first found him. We brought him back inside to live in the kitchen for a few weeks. All we could do was clean the area and blukote his neck. He is observing my husband while he cooks dinner in this pic. I really wish I had a camera handy when our cat, 2 dogs and the goose were all drinking out of the same waterbowl together. :0) The gosling has almost completely healed...and is back outside living with the flock.

My daughter strawberry picking with her helpers.

One of the goslings necking with my son. :0) I love this pic.

Raising Sebbies has been an absolute joy for my family.
Muggsmagee- CUTEST PICS EVER!! Love the necking picture! Those little goslings are so tough, glad to hear your baby made it through a fox attack!

Celtic- I am looking at showing my white pair this fall once they have molted at the suggestion of a fellow local sebbie breeder. I am nervous because I have never shown before but was wondering what a colored sebbie would be entered under and at what age would you start showing them? I have the four grey babies so I was thinking maybe I could bring one of them along in November but am unsure of what age is appropriate to show a goose?
Awwwww! (on the necking pic)
They are so fun and cuddly, how could you not love them????
Unfortunately, the APA only recognises WHITE curly breasted birds (at this time).
Right, but people show other colors don't they? They just can't be judged for best in show? I know people show splash bantam cochins and they are not an APA recognized color at this time but several breeders are working on it. They are just listed as all other varieties. Do folks do that with colored sebbies? Or smooth breasted? It would make sense to me if you want colors to have the potential to eventually be APA recognized that they be taken to shows where other sebbie breeders can see and discuss them?

At what age is appropriate to bring a sebbie to show? I have a white gosling that will be about 8 months old in November. Is that too young for a show?
I have shown my juveniles in the fall, so as long as they are fully feathered you can show them.

I would suggest showing the colors, but make sure they are a recognized color by the APA. (buffs, grays and saddleback in those colors)

If you show a patterned bird (saddleback) make sure the color patterns are close to being correct. You can look in the APA SOP and read the information about the color pattern on pomeranians to give you an idea of what they should look like.

For goodness sake though, don't show a lavender!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(you've got to be an ameraucana enthusiast to understand)
Oh, sorry about that. I'm not sure??? I showed horses for years, but the geese are just for enjoyment! I like to watch them AND i like my colors!!

YOu have amazing white birds so I'm sure the 8 month old baby would have potential. It's a wait and see game till they get their feathers! Hopefully someone that shows their birds can give you some advice.
Pips&peeps-Thanks for the info!! I imagine the juvenile will be fully feathered. He is actually looking pretty good these days. I should have grays to show as juveniles this fall too. My APA sop is coming in the mail, I kept dragging my heels on it but I really need it so it will be useful to determine which birds to bring with me and which to leave at home in the "pet" pen.

Don't know much about ameraucanas but it seems lavender is an ongoing issue in most of the breeds (I have lavender orps) Can't even call it lavender in the bantam cochins, it is "self blue!"

Kimberly- I LOVE the colors too which is why I would like to bring them along. I imagine the more people who get the colored birds out there at shows the better for them eventually being recognized which I realize is a long road but gotta start somewhere! On a sidenote, I see you have a pond full of bantam ducks? Do you have calls and if so have you incubated? I have some eggs coming in the mail and am wondering if there is anything special I should do for incubation. I have heard they are hard to hatch...

I have shown my juveniles in the fall, so as long as they are fully feathered you can show them.

I would suggest showing the colors, but make sure they are a recognized color by the APA. (buffs, grays and saddleback in those colors)

If you show a patterned bird (saddleback) make sure the color patterns are close to being correct. You can look in the APA SOP and read the information about the color pattern on pomeranians to give you an idea of what they should look like.

For goodness sake though, don't show a lavender!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(you've got to be an ameraucana enthusiast to understand)
Josie, I chose the larger of the calls, the mini silver appleyards and black east indies (although the bei are tiny compared to the silvers). I will free range them on a large pond in our front yard so didn't want the tiny tiny ones. Now to answer your question, they popped out like popcorn! I was knee deep in geese drama, eggs, breeding pens, hatchlings, mailing, etc and FORGOT to put them in lockdown till I checked and some had already started pipping! I used a brinsea eco 20 with auto rocker and hatched a bunch from shipped eggs never giving them a thought other than to turn them over every few days. I think the issue might be when the really tiny ones need help getting out. If you hatched geese, these silly ducks should be a BREEZE and so much quicker. Pip, zip and hatch in about 8-10 hours. Not DAYS like the sebbies! I'm no expert, but they were no problem for me last year or this year.

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