Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Zack I am putting some pictures of saddlebacks for you to see what they look like. Hope this helps Zack.

Thank you Pete... I sold the SB in the 2nd picture. Had too many ganders. The top one is Hanna I got from DH when he was selling out. She has come a long way in her feathering since we got her.
The last picture is of our breeding our Ginger.
Pete when you breed a white female with a grey gander I know you get splash males and grey females but can you also get saddleback females?
Ginger is gorgeous Barb and love the full breast and quilting of the feathers

You wont get Saddlebacks out of that mating but the Grey female offspring will be carrying the saddleback gege
Thank you Pips and Pete. I have to figure out who were the parents of Ginger? She was one of the goslings where all my girls decided to deposit their eggs in one nest. Yes, I had other nest but we all liked just the one.
So it will be divided nest from now on so I know who the parents are.

I had two saddleback females and 2 splash ganders from that hatch Ginger came from. They all were curly breasted from that hatch. The only saddleback I had at the time was Lance a smooth breasted gander and two females from Vicky who carried saddleback. No other SB at the time.

Pete Ginger just keeps getting better each year. I wonder if she could have been out of one of Vicky's girls I purchased from her about 3 years back? I sold one white female thiking it was Sassafras and it turned out to be one of Vicky's girls I sold.
I LOVE Sebbies! I do not have any right now, but am keeping my eye out for gray Sebastopol hatching eggs or for a gray female (if anyone knows where I could get some near Michigan, I'd love it!). Can't wait to get some!
Thank you Josie. When you breed a saddleback and a white you will get grey saddlebacks. But the one bing smooth breasted you will get 50% curly and 50% smooth breasted.
Pete is a great person to ask about color combinations !!

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