sebright thread

Citrons are their own color variety and breed true when crossed together. No outcrossing with Golds/Silvers is necessary.
But cornishchickide said theyre related so thats prob not the best idea to breed them directly with each other but if you could try and get lucky to find more citrons that would be great. But I guess you could try silvers but then those babies may not breed true and by the time you are able to breed them back you probably would be able to find more!......haha
well mine are 6 months old im waiting for eggs cause the rooster is always mounting her i want sebrigth babies
We ALL want sebright babies. LOL
Good luck and hope she starts laying soon.
The question is How much are they related? Honestly I don't see a problem with in-breeding or line breeding, as long as you cull any weak offspring.

Really? I figured breeding offspring back to parents is ok considering they are technically only half related but sister to brother is BAD....physically there may be deformities and such which you can pick out and cull easily but for the normal looking ones it can possibly lower fertility rates so its not recommended
I have 32 chickens, 31 are large (RIR, IB, BR) and one wonderful little Sebright. He is my little man and I love him to pieces; unfortunately, the full size girls don't. I have got to get this guy a girlfriend. He is so handsome, I hate that my other 2 roosters are getting all that lovin' and he is trying his darndest and no one will help him out!!!
None of my pullet chicks get the spike until much older than yours. The males will grow the spike first then the rest of the comb starts to come in and redden up. This is just what I experience with my birds. Yours does have a pullet "look".

I got surprised when that spike came out lol. I have a Spangled Hamburgs and she has the same spike
Yep, looks like a pullet to me too. :)

that looks like a pullet
Thank you guys... I hope she is a she!!!!!

I am concerned though because she is the smallest of the flock but she gets along with everybody, however, tomorrow I will get new birds (two 4 months old brahmas), and three 8 months old EE and I am scared they will be some bad pecking against her.
They are brother/sister and I won't be breeding them together, it was more a question about if silver to citron would produce citron and silver or just a weird colour. If anyone has a citron I would be interested-or good hatching eggs
I've never heard of fertility issues from inbreeding. However I have heard/read many good and bad things about the subject, and not just chickens either. Sheep, goats, horses, cows, etc., so I guess it's just personal preference.
Hey....we dont inbreed humans for many reasons besides it being just plain sick, therfore it shouldnt be done to animals. But if needed to keep good qualities and blood then breeding half related animals is somewhat exceptable......that is just my opinion.

Cornishchickide....Why not try breeding with the silvers.....I hope you find some Citrons..GOOD LUCK!:)

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