sebright thread

I watched the video... now I'm confused...

Oh dear... Well, as I said, I'll think of her as "probably female." Other than the crowing (which she hasn't done again since I recorded that as far as I know), she hasn't done anything necessarily rooster-y.

1234ro, I haven't had many Sebrights but if they have noticeable combs at 4 weeks (and you have others that don't), I'm thinking they're male. As I've heard quite often over the past few days, the thing to look for is a spike pointing backwards. If you look at pictures of sebright roosters (there must be tons on this thread) you'll see what I mean.

Edit: You asked what a rooster looks like, I can give you what a less-than-3-months-old cockerel looks like:

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Some cockerels will exhibit sex feathers in their 1st feathering, from what I've read. I have not raised 'Brights from chicks, til now, and I am at the 10 week-old stage with my 1st chicks. At 4-6 weeks, my cockerels started putting on the comb leaders that were referred to above. Also started to caw or cough in an attempt to crow, but it was almost constant, as in 40-50 times per day. They also started to grab and fight about that time, but not a lot. It's not an attempt to mount each other, just part of chick sparring as they grow and become aggressive as many 'Brights will be, as adults. Give it a couple more weeks and you should pretty much know what you have. besides, knowing doesn't change anything... ;)
Sam the crowing pullet has done it again. And at the end provided a look at her face. Badly lit but closer than the photos in my thread. And more recent. She is 11 weeks old today.

Embedding it if only because it reminds me a bit of that kid from The Simpsons who goes "Ha-ha!"
Ooh, thank you for asking that! There is a correlation, I think!

  • Today, she started it, I think, because I took my other golden sebright Dean and the other chick she seems to spend time near out of the room. And didn't reunite them within a minute. There were still two other chicks with her but I had removed the two she's "friends with." She crowed once in a while after I left the room from recording her, until I put the other two back.
  • I'm not totally sure about the crowing at 8 weeks, but she did continue to crow while I recorded her on my webcam, unable to see the others.
  • And the time when she was 4 weeks old, it happened when I had her out, perched on my netbook. I just checked and in pictures from that day the only other one out was the d'uccle. (Taking so many pictures paid off.) I feel like I remember hearing the crowing again two or three times after I had returned both of them to the box, though...
Needless to say, Sebrights are strange creatures... even in the chicken world.

Regardless of the crowing behavior, I would say Sam is a pullet. Definitely not enough size or redness in her comb/wattles.
I agree, Sam appears to be a Samantha! She should have a leader and wider comb than that, at her stage of development. Mine had way more male traits at a much earlier stage than she is. You're lucky, my experience is always getting more roos and not nearly enough hens. Oh, and I might add that she's a very pretty Samantha, too. She can have a place in my coops, anytime if she needs a home! ;) My guys would be in love! hahaha 'Brights seem to be the most aggressive at protecting their females out of the 10-15 breeds that I have. 'Brights are crazy about defending their girls.

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