sebright thread

My little SL

Take bread out with you every time you go. They will start associating you with the treats and will start running toward you instead of away from you. Toss bits of it out to them at first, and then closer to you. Soon they will be jumping in your lap for treats
Grapes are another favorite. You eat half, and they get the other half :)
Looks to me like they did at one time. ;) If I'm not mistaken, tho, the Golden and Silver are the only accepted colors, correct?

On another note: I saw 2 large cages full of 'Brights, 1 cage silver, the other Golden, this weekend. A man's Daddy stooped and bought them all on the way to the flea market, for his Son, who was selling at the market. When the Son saw his new birds, he packed-up and went home. One of the Golden Roos was as large as a Standard Ameracauna Roo! It was HUGE! Looked great, but was about 1.5 feet tall or better! Never saw such a thing!

I was lucky as I hung around after all of my birds sold, and just watched and talked a bit. A man rolled in about 1:30pm with a horse trailer full of cages. He had a trio of Goldens that the roo looked like it had a BBRed neck, but he also had some just-feathered out Golden chicks. He let me have 4 lil pullets (We think!) and I walked away having spent $10 of my profits for the day. The little bitty boogers already had leaders popping out on 5-6 out of his 15 or so chicks, so I hope that I got a good run of 4 pullets. They're healthy as can be, seems like. Love it when I get something that I've been searching for!

Also, I decided to let a man have 1 of my Silver Cockerels as he almost begged for one as he had lost his roo to go with his 7 hens. I agreed to bring one, this market as he offered $25 and I have a spare cockerel. He never showed, as is expected, but a young man, maybe 15 or 16 stared and stared at it. Many people asked about him, and I told them why he was there and they made offers and I turned them all down, as he was spoken for. Well, it got hot, and folks started leaving so the young man asked if I'd take $23 for him. I thought a minute and told him yes. he bought him and walked away happy as can be holding him in his arms. A few minutes later, a lady came by and started chewing me out for over-charging her nephew. She said, "That man has them for $6!" I said, I'll refund his money, but right now, I'm going to buy a bunch of Sebrights! Send him back to me. There were NO Sebrights for sale, other than my 1 cockerel, and the lady then came by, in her truck with about 25 birds all panting from no water, and out in the sun in the truck bed. I offered to let her use my waterers and water to save her birds. We spent about 45 minutes watering birds, then she thanked me for buying the 'Bright back. Then a man came up and asked about my cockerel, saying he had come from the big Ripley sale, 2 weeks ago. I said $25, and he said, "SOLD! They're going at $32.50 to $50.00 apiece at Ripley!" The woman looked sick and I just smiled and said, "Ma'am, I told you that I'd never cheat anyone with one of my birds." She left with her overheated birds, a few minutes later. Sorry that was so long-winded, but it just irked me, a bit, and I had to vent. I don't abuse my birds, and people get what they see when they buy them. Mine are usually fairly tame, and I worm, give vitamins, any chicken enthusiast usually does. I don't fight birds, or abuse them. I sure don't try to cheat teen-agers! Rant off...
Whew... yea I can definitely see why that would irk you. At least it ended well!
Just had a really nice hatch out of a new Brinsea incubator. 8 golden sebright eggs set- results 6 hatched and 2 dead in shell. No infertile.
Setting prior was 100% hatch rate with some brahma bantams. No infertile also.
PS I posted more sebright pics on my website today, including some at an April Show.

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