sebright thread

I have just bought 3 10 week old Wyandotte that I am going to use for laying and they look identical to your Sebrights? Are they just similar breeds or different known names, I live in Northern Portugal? Debbie
Wyandottes have laced feathers like Sebrights.
Are they just similar breeds or different known names, I live in Northern Portugal? Debbie

Seabrights originally were bred in England and are the only breed that has only one size.

Wyandottes were originally bred in Wisconsin, USA. They now can be found as large fowl and as bantams.

As for similarities in appearance, I will be able to see that for myself soon. I already have Silver Laced Wyandottes and am buying a few Silver Sebrights.
I have two sebright chickens, though they are still kinda young and don't have all their feathers. I don't think my boy has a rose comb, but I'm not the best at identifying combs, so, yeah.. Either way, I'll post pictures of then later, their names are Nike and Athena. As baby chicks they are my profile picture, haha! I love them both so much!
Seabrights originally were bred in England and are the only breed that has only one size.

Wyandottes were originally bred in Wisconsin, USA. They now can be found as large fowl and as bantams.

As for similarities in appearance, I will be able to see that for myself soon. I already have Silver Laced Wyandottes and am buying a few Silver Sebrights.
Thanks for that, my next challenge is figuring out if one of them is a boy as one has a slightly different looking comb, considering they are the same age it seems more pronounced also seems to have the start of "dangly?" bits on the side and the other 2 don't! Would it matter if I had a cockerel from the same clutch, I am a bit new to this and wasn't sure about interbreeding? They are about 11 weeks old.
Hey everyone!:wee
I'm so happy to have found this thread! I've always been interested in some golden Sebrights, I just love their striking pattern.

Anyways, if you don't know... I'm a wildlife rehabilitator. Yesterday I got a call that there were some small chickens on the side of the road not too far from us. We decided to check it out and make sure that someone didn't own them. They ended up being almost in the middle of no where. There were no houses or farms anywhere near them. There was a little spot that people can pull over there. So we guessed that someone probably just dumped them there. This is sadly common around this time of the year. People get chicks for Easter but then don't want them once they get older. So they just abandon them:(

After a little while, we spotted them. That's when I identified them as a beautiful trio of golden sebrights. Two pullets and one rooster. They looked no older than 4 months old. We waited till dusk to see where they roost. Sure enough, they didn't have a home. So they roosted on a branch.

We decided to bring them back with us. Luckily they were pretty easy to catch once they roosted. We put them in one of our quarantine pens. They were famished and ate a ton of food and water.

They are extremely skittish, which makes sense, because who knows how long they have been living on the side of the road. But hopefully they will warm up to us soon.

I'm quite excited since they just so happened to be a breed that I have always been interested in. So wish me luck:fl

If you would like I can add some pictures tomorrow and an update ;)
Thanks for that, my next challenge is figuring out if one of them is a boy as one has a slightly different looking comb, considering they are the same age it seems more pronounced also seems to have the start of "dangly?" bits on the side and the other 2 don't! Would it matter if I had a cockerel from the same clutch, I am a bit new to this and wasn't sure about interbreeding? They are about 11 weeks old.

Have you found out anything yet? If chickens are anything like goats then a pairing like that would work for a generation or two. It seems the likelihood of having to cull for health issues would be higher though.

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