sebright thread

I'm really enjoying everyone's stories about the sebrights. My daughter HAD to have them so this year we ordered 5 gold and 5 silver from a hatchery. They sent one extra silver, but it didn't matter. All of the golds and one silver died either on the way or shortly after arrival. My poor daughter just stood there with the dead chicks in her hand and said " I think this was a terrible mistake....". Anyway, the surviving 5 silvers did quite well. We ended up with 2 roos and 3 hens. I found 3 gold pullets at a chicken swap so now we had 8. They were really flightly and shy, but we were able to coax them to us with gratutious mealworm treats. Then tragedy struck again. Coccidosis (sp?) We lost one silver roo and all 4 silver pullets. Now we have one silver roo and his mini harem of 3 gold girls.
Right now they are Silver Roo (William 15 weeks) Gold pullets, (19 weeks - Galadriel, Sabriel and Turrette).

Now a question for you sebright breeders....
What type of chick will you get when you cross a gold and a silver sebright? Is this how the buffs came about?
also, what would happen if you crossed a silver sebright roo with a japanese black tailed white bantam? A really short sebright??

Ok - tried to put in a picture, but to no avail - any tips?
Aw, I just love these little guys and gals! I was looking through a lot of chicken pictures last year and came across them and thought they were just so cute and pretty! So one day, my mom showed up with 3 little Goldens from a swap meet.
We named them Martha, Rose, and Amy, my very first bantams. They're so cute and tiny and they seem so frail, I just wanna hold them all the time! But mine are shy (by no means aggressive, though!) and won't let me get very close at all. They're also so broody! I thought Sebrights weren't very broody..?

Anyway, we decided we wanted the 'other color' (I didn't know about anything but the golds and silvers when I stated this), so mom picked up 3 little silvers at the swap meet this year. Mom told me the poor darlings were kept in a teeny-tiny cage and the guy was just chucking them around.
They all had their tail feathers cut off to fit in this little cage and they've had their beaks trimmed too far. Two of them still have useable beaks, but the third really only has a lower mandible, the poor babe. That hasn't slowed them down, though! We have been getting at least one egg a day from them since we got them, and they've perked up a lot, too! They're growing their tail feathers back out, too, which makes me really happy! I can't wait to introduce them to the other girls and really start spoiling them!! They've been in a quarantine pen since we got them a month and a half ago and I wanted to wait to introduce them because we're planning on expanding the chicken run to 50x100 feet, which I thought would make the transition a bit easier. But things happen, and the fence keeps getting pushed back.
Oh, well.
Mine are the COMPLETE opposite... I basicly have them a aviary and that is it. They have a dog house for winter or rain and choose to be outside all winter long. This last winter they did great and it was a record breaker with alot more sub zero days than we are used to having here... alot more snow too. They did great! I think they weathered it better (and weather summers better too) than some of my standard breeds.

I love sebrights for being small and spunky. Mine don't LOVE to be held but you can hold them with one hand and they will not fight you to get down. They do go broody easily but make HORRIBLE mothers. I have yet to have a sebright not kill their baby. I have given up trying for the sake of the chick. Three different hens, two different lines... all killed the first hatched and I had to save the rest of the clutch by bringing them in and incubating.
Hi guys, here are one pair of about 50 sebrights I own.... My gold roo did quite well for himself .... Here in Australia they are supposed to be mulberry combed, is it the same in the US?

The Mulberry comb is desired as it helps stabilize other traits. However it is not often you good dark faced male that breeds well, the pullets are often too heavily laced or black capped.
here is young pair of ours from 2009 I will look to see if I have some more recent pics.
So, if someone knows, please tell me.

A couple of years ago, my son took this sebright to the fair, and the judge told him that white earlobes were a DQ. Since then the bird has matured and now the lobes are faintly turquoise. I read that white was the original prefered color, then transitioned to red or turquoise being preferred. But I can't find anywhere that white is a DQ.

This is a small fair, he is a 4H'r, so there are maybe 10 birds per class. I think that he is going to take this bird back this year as all our 'nice' chickens were eaten by a racoon. (They always eat the prettiest. )
I just want to warn Noah if the bird will automatically be ruled out.

It is also very variable from one year to the next depending on who is judging. One year Noah's duck won Champion, the next the judge barely glanced at him.




It's the same bird, just different seasons and lighting.
I agree Sebrights do love to go broody................HOWEVER; mine have been EXCELLENT mothers. I did have a hen who snuck under the barn to lay her eggs, then snuck back to sit on them. Now; unfortunately, she didn't do as well with her was in March in the freezing cold, and she wasn't even a yr old yet. She went broody again in June, and was an EXCELLENT mother. I have 6 Golden hens and I think they have each gone broody a minimum of twice already this year. I had so many sebright chicks I didn't know what to do!!!!!! We have an awesome chicken coop (they also have an aviary type area...which is the ABSOLUTE BEST CHOICE for these birds because they do love to fly), and they know where their nesting boxes are......They will lay an egg in the nesting box if they don't want to sit on it............but it they want to sit on the eggs...........they lay them elsewhere.....craziest thing ever. I do let my Sebrights roam our yard....we live in the country and they really enjoy running/flying around all day. I have given away probably 50 sebright chicks this summer already! And still have 2 hens sitting on eggs! Luckily, we have only lost 2-3 of the chicks after being born. They have done quite well! And after a few weeks, I would let the mama take the chicks right out into the yard if she wanted to. They did awesome. Even I was impressed.

TAMBERLIN: I have often wondered about cross breeding also........Funny thing though, my chickens don't breed out of their "kind" it's almost like they know, "She's not one of me" So, who knows about the mix breeding thing. I have BTW japanese and golden sebrights. I like the silver sebrights..........but my DF (dear fiance) doesn't.

I love love love my Sebrights.......they are the most friendlist by far. All I have to do is walk outside and here they come. To those wanting Sebrights.....if you plan on letting them run with the rest of your chickens...just know......the Sebrights WILL BE THE DOMINANT ONES! They are here! They run my standard roo's all over the's so funny!

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