sebright thread

Well, him being a turd is just him being a cockerel. Also, you can't expect to just put in a new bird with him and expect them to get along like everything is all hunky-dory. How old are each of them? Age and size will matter. For some reason my first Sebright rooster that I got from Ideal (almost 4 years ago actually) doesn't like my Silkie hens. They've all grown up together since they arrived in the mail, and I haven't once seen him try to court them. I guess he prefers the bigger girls

I realize there is going to be a bit of jostling and vying for position in the pecking order, but whereas the other birds either ignored or gave a quick peck in her general direction, he wants to jump on her back and rip all of her feathers out. They also worked it out in the matter of an afternoon...he still does this and it has been a week. She is about 9-10 weeks and he is about 12 weeks. She is only marginally smaller than him. So, I'm waiting until she gets a bit bigger to put her in general population. Right now she just has her silkie nursemaid. I got a new Orpington pullet at the same time as the little polish and he attacks her too. She is about 22 weeks and 10X his size. I dont worry so much about she can defend herself. I stick to my original theory...that he is just a turd!
Yes, some roo's can be turds...I name my turds after holidays like thanksgiving or Christmas
and only if they save the flock from a predator do they get re-named .... but if they were bullying my girls he may be named... tomorrow! and invited over for dinner....or put in a lock down pen for a good long time to 'think' about it...some have said that they have had success with mean roo's by watching him very close and every time you see him jump on her you run out and catch him and carry him around for half an hour to an hour or for meaner ones dunk him head first in some water (quickly, you do not want to drown or hurt him just scare him) and then lock him in a pen for the rest of the day and that he will learn quickly not to do it (quickly in roo terms is at least a week or two)...dont know personally if it works...I have one that is mean around the coop but is nice to the girls, so I just catch him...yes he tries to bite me, and I stick my finger in his mouth every time he tries like a charm ... he will think twice about jumping me for the rest of the day....sometimes two or three days
I took a few more pics of my Sebright hen this weekend, so thought I would share them. Her comb has pinked up a bit, so is no longer lavendar =(. She is so stinking sweet. She stands on my foot almost the whole time I'm in the "piranha pen" until I give her something to eat by hand. It makes me wish I had a roo for her so I could hatch some eggs.

I just LOVE sebrights! my 8 babies are just starting to feather out, they are just a week now...and once again after seeing a mature one I simply cannot wait till mine are grown!!!! already their wings are perfectly scalloped with black and white :) and they are quite the spit fires! always jumping around and challenging my older silkie chicks for the top position haha and the silkies are quite the little bosses as well! when I mix them with my layers, they are 3 weeks, and already huge :) they better watch out! the layers not the mini gladiators
Thanks you guys! She loves bread, she's like a crack-fiend for it. Cucumbers are good in her book too, but not as good as She is very nice to all the chickens in her pen, but one of my free range guys ran in behind me the other day and she was all up in their face and bumping their chests. He was full-sized too!

Anyone know of anyone in Texas that might have a roo I could purchase for her?

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