**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

I hear cheeping mine shouldn't hatch until tomorrow yep having a cabinet incubator is bad I can fit almost 300 eggs in mine tetris is difficult because of how far the shelf tilts but I stagger the hatches trying to miss events I want to go to..I'm missing a trail ride because I didn't count the days so maybe I need a bit more work on my chicken math LOL After this hatch I will be able to use my turner I must have been going through chick withdrawal I set everything I could. I have 5 broodies as of today one tore chunks out of my hand to get the eggs I will wear my thick gloves tomorrow and trade out her eggs for some I need hatched same with 2 others one will keep what she has and I'll give the other one some I want. These are experienced gals so my plan should work. I have the cutest EE gal who is very good at hiding her pretty eggs but my dog saw her and told me where she was (clever dog I have) and she loves my black Ameracauna guy so hopefully he's the papa and I have a first timer she just has 3 eggs who knows Marans sometimes just stop at 10-12 days so we'll see. I really need to set up a broody battery as I prefer my replacement birds to be chosen from hen raised chicks I just haven't thought out a good plan so instead I put mine in dog kennels after the chicks are hatched I put them in a small pen inside of the regular one then in 2 weeks they go out with everyone my hens continue to mother them forever it that common? I kept several pullets that 2 hens raised and they still mother them..... I think I must be crazy except I have more orders for chicks than what I'm going to hatch customers want girls and I'm hatching for boys wow I lucked out this go round.....I do wish I had a cam set up today I'm throwing the dogs rib bones and Doghouse Dolly my Delaware gal runs up flapping her wings and steals a rib away from my dog I have 3 Jack Russel's who did like to harass my chickens but I've taught them it's much better to leave them alone....Dolly really didn't want the bone she traded it out for a piece of fat....she still goes in their dog house but she hasn't ever laid an egg in there Delawares are very entertaining. Dolly goes everywhere with me in the morning when I'm doing my chores except way out to feed horses but the stall horses she's like inspecting how much I give them and at night she has to sample their grain buckets until I put the beet pulp in that she doesn't like.....then she hops up into her escape spot and goes back in her coop I can't bear to close it up she works and works until she can get out someplace well nite all I hope to keep caught up with you
YOu should see the face my old mare makes at the chickens that dare steal her food--she tolerates the chicken with bared ears and snaps at the creature who pays no attention. Lucky chickens-- if it had been a dog, it would have felt the full effect of those strong teeth. ( No dogs allowed in her paddocks, ever. )
OK im gonna try and write a poem about the bear cubs in the tree just above my chicken coop

Dogs out side got to pee
pretty soon she starts Barking
Mark goes to the door to see whats up
he soon says Tammy come get this pup

So away i go to Get the Bratt
I look up at the tree
Mark says whats that

A bear cub mark how did it get up there
it had to climb the fence how unfair
i see the second put the dog in the house
I notice my roommate is not a man but a mouse

In the green house he must hide
i tell him not to worry the cubs wont cry
so away to my hens i run like a flash

put them inside and try and hide my egg stash
the bears know where we hide the eggs
Cute little cubs boy was i Brave

My hens where safe the cubs really small but where was the momma after all ?
i hear her on the other side of the fence
i look at the babys and think this doesnt make since

Momma called her little ones thank god they listened
I got to my house and called mark a mouse and he said

That bear was huge ..........

LMAO we only seen the Cubs and they could of been 40 lbs

really cute no threat unless we threatened them i have walked up on mom and cubs feeding and just watched told her it was ok when she seen me and no threat was seen she had a full grown deer down probably died of starvation over the winter .
Very good!
Hello! Can I join the hatchathon? I am setting my eggs from Chookschicks Saturday night.

tommysgirl you sure you don't want different colors????

Also, I took the top photo of the Gold Laced Brahma Pair last March. Where did you find the photo? Is someone using it to sell eggs? I realize a lot of that is going on right now and would hate to have someone scamming people with my photos. I guess I should start watermarking ALL my photos.
Who wants broodies? I came home yesterday to 4 new broodies, so now have 6. I decided to try to break the first two bu tossing them in the Juvie Pen. They are hogging the favorite nesting spots and eggs keep getting broken in the fighting :( I think it will work on one but the other found a spot and is hissing and spitting if anyone comes near. I guess I'll giver her a basket and some eggs. Maybe she can raise hatch the tutors for me.

I dooooooooo but just the good parts K?

I am enjoying my emu education

Tammy N Wowzers... Nice bit of rhyming and I would have been with your roommate!
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Hello! Can I join the hatchathon? I am setting my eggs from Chookschicks Saturday night.

Also, I took the top photo of the Gold Laced Brahma Pair last March. Where did you find the photo? Is someone using it to sell eggs?
I think that if I can join with chicken eggs due to hatch on the 26th, you can too. I also have eggs from Chookschicks...felt like I was opening a Christmas stocking as I pulled each EXPERTLY PACKAGED egg out and saw what it was.

That is a beautiful picture of beautiful birds...I don't know where anyone found it but it sure is gorgeous. You do good work!
actually the feed to meat ratio wasn't all of it.. with an emu.. pretty much every bit of the animal can be used.. feathers, hide, oil, bones, even guts.... so there is almost 0 waste..(plus selling eggs and chicks)
in that respect (and considering the market value of each especially at the time) there was a pretty good return on the investment when they found a market to sell to.
Janice Castleberry and her husband were some of the lucky ones.. they made millions during the emu meat production days because they understood their market and took advantage of it.. they also knew when to quit.. so they didn't suffer any massive losses unlike many others...

what killed the industry is a lot of farmers didn't have the resources to market the meat.. plus when you are dealing with a public that isn't used to the idea of exotic meat.. and is hooked on beef (and during the heyday of emu farming were convinced that "white meat" was better for you).. well.. convincing them otherwise can be a hard thing to do.. plus at the time they couldn't market the oil and meat with a list of ALL the health benefits because of labeling laws (homeopathy and herbal supplements are still fighting that battle).. so much of the public was unaware as to how good it really is for you. You can still buy emu meat.. and there are still some "upscale restaurants" that have it as well as ostrich on the menu. And there's still a market for the leather and oil.
Interesting . . . . . I like meat in all it's forms.

I have come to appreciate butchering my own birds because there is almost no waste--feathers either go in the composte or trash when I don't feel like the long walk to compost.

Who wants broodies? I came home yesterday to 4 new broodies, so now have 6. I decided to try to break the first two bu tossing them in the Juvie Pen. They are hogging the favorite nesting spots and eggs keep getting broken in the fighting :( I think it will work on one but the other found a spot and is hissing and spitting if anyone comes near. I guess I'll giver her a basket and some eggs. Maybe she can raise hatch the tutors for me.
Hope you get it sorted out . . . .broken eggs are annoying to clean up in the nesting box.

Hello! Can I join the hatchathon? I am setting my eggs from Chookschicks Saturday night.

Quote: LOve your avatar!!
Yup, watermarks.
I've been having computer problems for a while now and haven't been online much. Well, I figured out what was wrong and when you see the end result you will laugh. At least, I did!
Now I can post pics of my cute fuzzies.

ETA: This is the charger port to my mom's laptop.
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a well cleaned, de-greased and articulated skeleton sells for around a grand (depending on condition) to collectors.. they can go for more if they are on eBay (I saw one go for almost 2K last summer) .. skulls sell for 150 here http://www.skullsunlimited.com/record_variant.php?id=3307 and for around 40 or so on eBay right now

the bones are also sold as dog food and chews
the breast bones are often carved or painted for decoration and the toenails are used for jewelry.. lol.. most of the bones can be carved and painted.. used in artwork or as hair picks and jewelry

just a few when I did a quick search on eBay




if you are butchering the bird yourself the bones can also be cooked down for stock

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