**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

i keep my geese with my muscovy too

I'm drawing the line at Muscovies!!!! Love looking at geese, love eating them . . . . . 6 ducks is more than enough to share the kiddie pool, lol, might fit 1 goose in it, all to himself.

you could do what I did... buy more kiddie pools!

my cayugas and pekins spend more time in the water than the muscovys

Just waiting for the summer items to show up!!!! The one pool jgets so yucky that I tip it, spill it, clean it and set it up to dry. THen refill the next day. WOuld be nice to alternate pools of muddy water!!

lol.. they do love to muck them up FAST!
I finally got my turkey eggs!!! Maybe 5 days late but I got them! Set 9 BR today so in about 6 days I'll set about 12 RIR for hatchmates. That will make a Total of 9 BR, 19 RIR (I added a couple more), 13 BCM, 6 EE/OE, 4 NHR, 4 PR and a couple of mystery eggs for a total of 55 eggs. I was sorely tempted to get 12 duck and 8 goose eggs. . . . . and I may still get them.

nothing at all wrong with eating a little fat in your food.. and homegrown turkey is better for ya then junk food any day!

I saw a Julia Childs spoof video that said that: You need fat in your diet to absorb your vitamins"

nothing at all wrong with eating a little fat in your food.. and homegrown turkey is better for ya then junk food any day!

I saw a Julia Childs spoof video that said that: You need fat in your diet to absorb your vitamins"
Great point, ROn!!!

Good for the complexion too.

THe 70's was an era of NO fat and apparently, I was a little too young to know personally, that many women had health problems on NO fat diets. Gee no kidding.

SOmeday I want to try goose pate!!

nothing at all wrong with eating a little fat in your food.. and homegrown turkey is better for ya then junk food any day!

I saw a Julia Childs spoof video that said that: You need fat in your diet to absorb your vitamins"
Great point, ROn!!!

Good for the complexion too.

THe 70's was an era of NO fat and apparently, I was a little too young to know personally, that many women had health problems on NO fat diets. Gee no kidding.

SOmeday I want to try goose pate!!
It's very tasty on crackers or Melba Toast!
At least the rams are gentlemen, they talk to the girl, and nudge her with his front leg and needs to read her willingness or not. Rather endearing.
uhmmm Lordy I hope you all don't judge me for this but as I recall, my ram went in for a little foreplay as well. Don't know if all breeds do that but Dorset Bucks know how to treat a lady
My MW Tom Sarge covered Melissa the MW hen today! "Covered" is a stupid word, given that turkey sex is simply gross. He stood on her back, stomping for a while, drooling and looking like a pervert before he finally got his tail feathers out of the way. After he got off, she got up and ran away. I imagined she wanted to go take a shower. Ick.

Chicken sex isn't pretty either, but it doesn't last ten minutes.

You should see (or maybe not) the boys around here. I feel so sorry for the turkey hens. When a girl squats, six boys cluster around and take................ahem............turns............until she finally gets up and flees. Although, it's amazing that none of the turkey hens have bare backs, not like some of my chickens.

Lotsapaints is a guy?????

And yes, the turkeys were looking for love, again (but I was amused at the synchronized squatting). BF was inside cooking dinner, walks out the front door to find me stroking a turkey butt, and without missing a beat asks me... what kind of salad dressing I want.
Not when I met her........................Denny, is there something you have to tell me?
I am ashamed to say I ate goose liver pate on my 30th birthday as an appetizer, before I also ate filet mignon for the first time. (That was a great birthday... Nearly 30 years ago.) I say ashamed because I knew how it was produced back then... And I've never had it since.

Now, should I be offered pate at the home of a friend who processed a goose, that would be different. No friend of mine would force/tube feed a goose just to get good tasting liver.

Ron, turkey sex isn't messy, just ugly. Most of the time the Tom just stands there on the hen's back, treading and treading. But he gets such a perverted expression, eyes closed, beak open, drooling and panting. The hens have to be patient AND have strong backs! I am so surprised they squat for that abuse.

At least chicken sex is quick.
you all are feeding my need to have turkeys again...Back in the day my daughters got 6 for a 4-H project then Newcastle Disease put the kaybosh on any exhibiting poultry so they became dinner. They were hysterical and I free ranged em until they started causing problems in the neighborhood. Apparently they had no respect for private property and didn't know where ours ended. One day the neighbor across the street came over to tell me they were in his yard...ooops.... as I apologized he stammered " I I didn't know what or how to do uhmmm deal I mean well... They won't be intimidated." I laughed because I pictured them 4 BRs and 2 Naragansetts moving slowly out of his way then going right back to their scratching and pecking as he flailed about and threatened. I couldn't see them but went out on my porch and called them and they came running , wings down and out rocking back and forth the hustled across the street. My neighbor couldn't believe it. He said something equally eloquent to his earlier comment and went home.

They were fun but the best thing about them was how they tasted!
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