**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Durr I have to agree with the others that have posted. I have had two chicks with crossed beaks. Both looked normal when they hatched and then over time the cross beak started showing up. Both of mine just got progressively worse. I culled both chicks after working hard with them to correct the problem and not seeing any results. It is a hard personal decision and if the cross beak is mild (slightly misaligned), they can survive it fine. You would still have to keep an eye on the top beak and either file it down or clip it if it grew too long but if you stay on top of that they can eat pretty normally. If you search for cross beak on the threads, there is probably more advice on how to treat it if it is mild.
Quote: I've saved chicks that had to have the food and water carried to them multiple times per day. They survived to 6+ mos, still needing hand care and to be lifted into the coop at night. I've done this more than once. My mantra now is, "No special needs chicks."
Sorry, Durr, I know this is not what you want to hear, but I agree with these two (and the others) and it was my experience, as well. My little Woodsey never got enough to eat, would stay right on my heels begging to be fed, and would stay at the feeder when I wasn't there, trying to get enough. It was horrible to watch him waste away and finally die. I kicked myself for being so cruel and selfish in the name of love. I will never do it again. I had to go through that experience, though, to know what to do the next time. Maybe you have to, as well. I hope I never have another one, but if I do, it will be humanely killed, quick and painless, out of love.
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Quote: I've saved chicks that had to have the food and water carried to them multiple times per day. They survived to 6+ mos, still needing hand care and to be lifted into the coop at night. I've done this more than once. My mantra now is, "No special needs chicks."
Sorry, Durr, I know this is not what you want to hear, but I agree with these two (and the others) and it was my experience, as well. My little Woodsey never got enough to eat, would stay right on my heels begging to be fed, and would stay at the feeder when I wasn't there, trying to get enough. It was horrible to watch him waste away and finally die. I kicked myself for being so cruel and selfish in the name of love. I will never do it again. I had to go through that experience, though, to know what to do the next time. Maybe you have to, as well. I hope I never have another one, but if I do, it will be humanely killed, quick and painless, out of love.

I cull cross beaks (no idea why hatcheries insist on shipping them out in the first place.. but they do)

in my experience the "crossing" usually gets worse as the chick grows.. so even though it may be mild to start out.. as time goes by the majority get a lot worse.
since it's usually genetic there's really no need in keeping a deformed chick around. I know that sounds harsh.. but it's the reality of breeding poultry.

yeah you can TRY to keep them alive and fed.. but is the suffering really worth it?
that's something you will have to decide for yourself since it's your chick and you are the one who will have to deal with it either way
Your package is on the way. I was able to get one more duck egg for you. I guess the girls were feeling sorry for me watching me wondering around the property aimlessly trying to find their hiding place. One of them laid an egg in the coop! I'm sure they spent the last couple days chuckling at me! Enclosed will be 4 duck eggs and 4 turkey eggs. I packaged them in a modified way similar to yours and another one on here where I saw they used saw dust. So when you open the box/boxes please do not do it over carpet. Wouldn't want you cussing me for sawdust stuck in the carpet. You can post the results on your other thread if you like. I hope they make it to you in great shape! Sent you a PM with the tracking #.
WOW! Sounds like great eggs!!
BTW we have had 2 storms hit yesterday and today and very few birds laid. What else do you want if there aren't enough Langshuns in time? If you want bantams I have one an AM pen with one lav hen and 2 chocolates with a black roo. I don't sell those yet, but I could be persuaded. I think you know what I have as far as LF, so let me know. I'm sure I'll have enough, but pick something as your extras.
Gee, wonder where those are coming from? Ooh AM lav, chocolate...that would be very cool. If you can that would be amazing. If you can't then you can surprise me. I'm really looking forward to these guys. The Easter Hatch-a-long was like a really great novel..... gotta read the sequel The Cinco de Mayo Hatch-a-thon.
Thanks again for donating. I'm hoping to donate for next year when I get my jubilees and olandsk dwarfs to that stage.
Gee, wonder where those are coming from? Ooh AM lav, chocolate...that would be very cool. If you can that would be amazing. If you can't then you can surprise me. I'm really looking forward to these guys. The Easter Hatch-a-long was like a really great novel..... gotta read the sequel The Cinco de Mayo Hatch-a-thon.
Thanks again for donating. I'm hoping to donate for next year when I get my jubilees and olandsk dwarfs to that stage.
I'll send you some nice ones. I lost my Easter hatch. Gotta read over there though. Up all night for nothing.
YAY! I can join all of you! Our Pencilled Palm birds are laying eggs and I've collected 7 from my friends (turkeys are on their property, I just hatch em).

I had to get the eggs early, so I'll be setting a few days before everyone else (sorry, don't want them to get old). We'll be selling the resulting poults.

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