**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

OK i like the dark meat on a Turkey and chicken I know its the lesser of the healthy part of the bird but IT is my fav
would a Heritage bird be the best for me or BB ?
i keep my geese with my muscovy too

I'm drawing the line at Muscovies!!!! Love looking at geese, love eating them . . . . . 6 ducks is more than enough to share the kiddie pool, lol, might fit 1 goose in it, all to himself.

you could do what I did... buy more kiddie pools!

my cayugas and pekins spend more time in the water than the muscovys
Congrats on your NPIP I've thought about it and well that's as far as I've gotten...

If you like dark meat then a heritage bird is what you want. They have white and dark but as said the texture is different and I prefer the heritage ones over the BB I just like the texture better not mushy each to their own. I hatch my birds when it's hot so that's in July and August and butcher them the next year around October it's cheaper to brood them because of the heat and my winter doesn't start until December being on the central coast we do get cold under 20 degrees at night and this year not even 5 inches of rain
the grass is brown already so feed prices will go up more. I haven't butchered one over 25lbs yet (cleaned) maybe one of my Bourbons might be over that but he's old so when I butcher him I'll be making ground turkey and smoke the breast. I'm going to try smoking the hens so I'll let you know how that goes but the taste of home grown turkey is far superior than a factory farmed one.
My MW Tom Sarge covered Melissa the MW hen today! "Covered" is a stupid word, given that turkey sex is simply gross. He stood on her back, stomping for a while, drooling and looking like a pervert before he finally got his tail feathers out of the way. After he got off, she got up and ran away. I imagined she wanted to go take a shower. Ick.

Chicken sex isn't pretty either, but it doesn't last ten minutes.

I remember the first time a friend of mine saw the chooks mate. Before she realized what was happening, it was over already. LOL
Over here, we don't use the word "covered" either. We use "serviced"
Thanks for the warm welcomes! I was on the Easter Hatchalong, but it was really hard to keep up. I think this one will be easier to keep up with.
I think that if I can join with chicken eggs due to hatch on the 26th, you can too. I also have eggs from Chookschicks...felt like I was opening a Christmas stocking as I pulled each EXPERTLY PACKAGED egg out and saw what it was.

That is a beautiful picture of beautiful birds...I don't know where anyone found it but it sure is gorgeous. You do good work!
I can't wait to see my eggs from Chookschick tomorrow! I am so excited! I will have to take note (and many photos) when I open my egg box.
I love to take photos of my chickens, but don't really have a logo or name to put on my photos of chickens. I guess I could use my other logo until I come up with something new.

My DH and I are thinking about getting a turkey for Thanksgiving this year. Our local Co-op is suppose to be getting some in next week. I was wondering how many of your have your turkeys close or with your chickens? I am in TN., do I need to worry about blackhead disease? I have tried searching for info, but thought it would be easier to ask.

Edited to add: Yinepu I just found your member page on Blackhead. Thanks for posting that!
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