**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Can a Standard Cochin hen sit on 14 marans eggs? I want to make sure I didn't give her too many!

depends on the hen.. but I've had up to 20 under mine when I had them with no issues

so just see how she acts and if she keeps them covered
My friend's cochin is sitting on 32! I think she said another hen is helping sit, but not sure if that's all the time.

Second Annual Cinco De Mayo Turkey Hatch a long Digest 4-11-2013

TahiDye has the allergic to chicks cat with the growth. We were assured that the cat had anti biotics and was getting to eat Tuna. Lucky Cat!(for getting to eat tuna) Also asked about chicken saddles….for the hens of course….not the cat

Mahonri was the person egg bombed by SCG! He has joined the hatch but now must convince the DW that he did not buy those eggs…SCG posted after that about “accidentally” spilling Ketamine on her hands and hoped there would not be a random drug test.

Tommysgirl candled and found veins in the Dorking eggs!

Wife2abirdman posted pictures of Turkey Poults in a stylish purple laundry basket. Lovely Poults! That is what I am hatching?

Razadia added more to the bator today and is hatching too. She sends them to the feed store!

More TammyN Poetry—this one about bear cubs and a scared room mate!

Lotsapaints posted a huge paragraph about incubating in a Cabinet incubator and chicken life at his place.

Sally Sunshine wished us a good morning!

Arielle reminded us that the Feed conversion ratio is not good with Emus and chickens a better conversion ratio making Emus better for pets than meat birds. Then she told us, in red font, that Muscovy Ducks were needed! Ynepu posted more information about the demise of Emu Farming—Lots of reasons for the demise it seems.

Post switched to Broody talk then. Karimw has 4! LFchixranch wondered if dunking a broody in ice water would break them. Please check the Geneva Convention first!

Razadia fixed the broken laptop by hot gluing the cables together. I thought something from Jurasic Park had spit on the cables at first. Good Job fixing the power cable! We also found out that Razadia is Certified or rather her place is NPIP Certified!

Nickie form Kentucky will give DURR some Turkey eggs for EE eggs but DURR has to get to Kentucky. Durr wanted to pay for shipping instead of driving. Prices of Poults and the difference between hybrids and Heritage Turkeys continued for several posts.

ThaiDye posted a link to Vulture Hocks: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/106976/vulture-hocks gryeyes has vulture hocks on some chicks. She does not care since she does not enter them into shows.

Gryeyes is very proud of her Tom Turkey—he mated today! The description of the act sounds kind of messy though….

NotAFarm posted a Haiku!

Sally Sunshine wanted to know if a Cochin could sit on 14 Marans eggs! Yinepu said one had 20 under their hen! Wisher had a Buff Orp sit on 24 and hatch 21! Not to be outdone, ThaiDye has a friend with a Cochin sitting on 32!

Tomorrow is Friday!
Mahonri, The only "live embryos" she's probably wanting to see, at this point, are those of grandbabies!

......but I'm glad to hear you are taking the Egg Bomb in stride and joining us!

Now why can't they pose like this at the end of my driveway?

Then I'd be really cool.

If I'm not mistaken, that is turkey for

At least when my hens do that, it is...

Okay, the lack of incubator space is already causing issues...I don't have a lot of time to set up auctions, so I've only got one up for the Chocolate Ameraucana project because I could hit 'relist' and go...they're piling up!!!

I'll be buried in eggs before long!!
Lotsapaints is a guy?????

And yes, the turkeys were looking for love, again (but I was amused at the synchronized squatting). BF was inside cooking dinner, walks out the front door to find me stroking a turkey butt, and without missing a beat asks me... what kind of salad dressing I want.
can you get to Kentucky? I will give you some. Mixed breed heritage, but bartorers can't be choosers :).
I'll take some if you can ship if I have anything you would like to swap for.

I wish I could(Hi Wisher!). I do not know where the Farmer I am hatching for gets his eggs but they have all been fertile so far...The Guinea and Turkey eggs were all jumbled up in a large food storage container and it looks like all but two will be hatching...out of 31 eggs.

Even the mallad eggs from the goat pasture are fertile....
Ooooohhhhhhh! I NEED guineas & turkeys!!! See if he would sell me some. Maybe you can ship for him

Can a Standard Cochin hen sit on 14 marans eggs? I want to make sure I didn't give her too many!
Stuff as many under as she can hold without any popping back out

depends on the hen.. but I've had up to 20 under mine when I had them with no issues

so just see how she acts and if she keeps them covered
X2...keep stuffin Sally!!!


If I'm not mistaken, that is turkey for

At least when my hens do that, it is...

Okay, the lack of incubator space is already causing issues...I don't have a lot of time to set up auctions, so I've only got one up for the Chocolate Ameraucana project because I could hit 'relist' and go...they're piling up!!!

I'll be buried in eggs before long!!
I'll swap ya duck eggs for chocolate anything...LOL

Lotsapaints is a guy?????

And yes, the turkeys were looking for love, again (but I was amused at the synchronized squatting). BF was inside cooking dinner, walks out the front door to find me stroking a turkey butt, and without missing a beat asks me... what kind of salad dressing I want.
Don't even wanna know
really I've even met ronott1 I am a woman don't want to be a girl again either.....well I have chicks making quite the racket and how many times have you all candled your eggs? I can't since I have chicks hatching in there....have about 4 dozen turkey eggs so far to put in there Sat or Sunday come on chicks hatch so you can get the flock outta there LOL I knew those turkeys would know I couldn't put any in the incubator for a few days. I have 2 toms who look at each other and mate the air who knows why even if they have a hen laying down right by them if only I knew turkey sign language they just make that puff sound....when they were younger I caught them being lovey dovey to the 2x6 I guess that was practice....

I have chicken eggs in buckets tried to sell them on craigslist and people called wanting to know if I had chicks
really the ad said hatching eggs or they wanted to buy grown stuff hummm I'm going to reword that ad tonight
really I've even met ronott1 I am a woman don't want to be a girl again either.....well I have chicks making quite the racket and how many times have you all candled your eggs? I can't since I have chicks hatching in there....have about 4 dozen turkey eggs so far to put in there Sat or Sunday come on chicks hatch so you can get the flock outta there LOL I knew those turkeys would know I couldn't put any in the incubator for a few days. I have 2 toms who look at each other and mate the air who knows why even if they have a hen laying down right by them if only I knew turkey sign language they just make that puff sound....when they were younger I caught them being lovey dovey to the 2x6 I guess that was practice....

I have chicken eggs in buckets tried to sell them on craigslist and people called wanting to know if I had chicks
really the ad said hatching eggs or they wanted to buy grown stuff hummm I'm going to reword that ad tonight


Karen in Turlock had a chicken party last Summer where I met you and I still messed up!

I think I might have been confused by HemetDennis...Denny could be Dennis too right?

I candle every time I add water to the Genesis. I incubate at 35% so that is every three days or so. The Brinsea I do not have to touch so I don not candle those unless I start smelling sulfur....
Quote: My friend's cochin is sitting on 32! I think she said another hen is helping sit, but not sure if that's all the time.
HOLY Molasses On the COUNTER!
Now why can't they pose like this at the end of my driveway?

Then I'd be really cool.

how cool! what on earth are they doing? they gonna have a gun fight doin paces or wha?

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