**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

I must be (un)lucky. I can only fit 60 eggs in my hovabator since I use cartons to hatch. I can fit more if I stack, but that didn't turn out well during last years Easter hatch. I put 60 in this year and still had bad luck. Out of 60 eggs I only got 3 chicks and none of my duck eggs hatched. I had one make it as far as internal pip, but I didn't get to it in time and lost it. Out of the 5 I put in this time 2 were infertile and 2 quit. At least I still have the one.
My first five test turkey eggs all went into lockdown yesterday. One pipped last night before I went to bed. About an hour ago, it poked a big hole in the shell and it's beak is sticking out. Hopefully we'll have some baby turkey love this evening
I'm trying to show self-restraint and not check under my broody hen but I did hear peeping under her for sure this evening and when I checked, one of her chicks has hatched and another has a pip. I didn't pull the turkey eggs out to see if they have pipped - they were further under her. [Drumming fingers, wondering what's happening and if they will hatch tomorrow].
I may have tracked down some local Bourbon Reds. I hope so!
PM me the info?

Ron, I don't say it every night but thanks for the daily digest - really enjoy the summary - you do a great job keeping up with such a busy thread.

Yinepu, I never considered Emus before (even though I'm an Aussie and grew up seeing them on a regular basis). And now listening to you talking about them, I find myself wondering .... would they like my pasture? Thanks for nothing [pouts].
My first three turkeys (ever) are doing well. They have a couple very active tutors that keep them hopping. 2 blue slates, 1 royal palm.

The Cinco de Mayo turks are cooking (black spanish from Shawn marked B and one marked CT
) and doing well.

Had more tutors hatch today, 4 of 4 Marraduna Basque eggs and 2/4 (maybe 3/4 if the peeping egg goes on to hatch) Blue Laced Red Wyandotte from shipped eggs, part of a contest from NYD. Outstanding hatch from shipped eggs!
Also had a couple of silkie serama hatch, man are they cute! Then a couple blue silkies from my blue cuckoo pair. Quite a mixed bag of chix mix.

Received a bunch of Bantam Black Rock eggs and a handful of Bantam White Rock eggs from an Easter hatch contest, put them in the incubator along with 20+ Iowa Blues and Olive Eggers from my flock.

With all the peeping, at least it SOUNDS like spring in here, even if we're still waiting on spring to arrive outside. What we have now is a moat around the house instead of the drifts from a couple weeks ago, and it's currently raining.... sideways.
The new duck pond is full. Took six and a half hours to fill. (Pump and Skippy filter to be added next month.). I got a slew of photos of the construction and some Turkey Porn shots during the day. That is, if anyone considers a MW stomping on the back of a BBB hen for ten minutes is pornographic. (I don't - it's just silly looking.). Turkey hens sure have a lot of patience. Ron, I adore your summaries. I DO read all the posts but what you provide us is a hoot as well as being informative. Thank you!
I, too, love Ron's Daily Digests.
I read all the posts, but his take on things makes me laugh/smile/question about the day's events. Thanks for keeping us updated and entertained, Ron!

Off to bed, lots to do tomorrow.....outside if it ever stops raining....inside if it doesn't......

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