**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

since he was a BB the protein was too high.. I've had them die from the same thing when the protein was too high for them.. But Heritage turkeys do better on the higher protein feed... just gotta watch those broad breasted guys.. they will start out limping then keel over on you very quickly
I have a BBW poult that had funky wings when she came from the hatchery & started limping almost right away. The wings have mostly straightened out but her 1 knee is really bad & her toe tucks under on that side. I feed a mix of 22% & 18% mixed with corn, oats, sweet mix & beef chop (over 3/4 is crumbles) & she is the only bird with a problem with her legs. Pretty sure her's was poor breeding to begin with since she arrived with issues. She gets around ok, but limps really bad.

sounds like her issue is genetic.. or a niacin deficiency

bad legs on a normal weight bird (for it's age) are usually caused by a lack of niacin, bad genes, or injury like a predator attack..
but if you have a "healthy" bird that is gaining weight rapidly (which is what the high protein feeds will do) their weight will cause leg issues since the bone isn't strong enough to support their weight.. in those birds a heart attack or flip usually comes soon after their legs start having issues... some will just up and die before that if too much bulk (fat usually) builds up around their hearts

the niacin issue can show up in both heritage and broad breasted birds (as well as other poultry like emu, ducks and geese)
but "flip" from too much protein is restricted to the fast growing birds like cornish cross, some strains of the 'freedom ranger" type birds and broad breasted turkeys
Not a high protien issue & she's almost exactly the same weight as the other poult from that hatch date so either they are both way too small or they are both girls. They are about the same weight as the red broilers who are a week older & the white broilers that are 3 weeks younger. To he that says 2 hens. I had another poult in that order that had wing issues & it only lasted about 2 days. I didn't think this 1 was going to make it either, but she's a fighter. She just has a bad leg & foot. Could be niacin I guess, but I would think that would affect the other poult & all of the ducks as well & they are all fine. I use an "all-flock" style feed so it should have plenty of niacin for ducklings & poults.

Nope..niacin deficiency is an individual thing

From Metzer Farms
"What if only a few of my birds have leg problems? Variability within a flock is normal. Each bird varies on how well it forms niacin from tryptophan, either due to genetics or the different microflora in their gut. It would not be unusual to have a single flock of birds, with some exhibiting a niacin deficiency and others walking perfectly normally - but all eating the same feed. "
Hmmmm...could be niacin then. She gets around ok for now but probably won't once she gets heavier. Kinda figured she would just end up getting processed early, or is this something that will kill her before she's big enough to process.

if she goes down on her legs she may very well end up dead .. if from nothing else than being able to move about and feed properly..
so long as she's still moving around ok you can try giving her extra niacin and see if you can catch it before it gets any worse... but if it's a genetic issue extra niacin won't help
I will have to separate her to make sure she gets the niacin. I have her in with 19 broilers & about 20 other chicks. Trying to remember what works best for niacin. Yeast
or am I not remembering right.

How old is she?..

You can use regular niacin from the store (human vitamins)
if you use a 500 mg tablet you can just break it into quarters and add 1/4 of the tablet to the drinking water (one tablet is good for about 4 gallons of water.. so 1/4 tablet per gallon)
I usually just crush the tablets up and sprinkle it into everyone's feed since I don't separate them from their buddies.. But then again our chick starter is lacking in niacin for the ducks.. and I use gamebird starter for the turkey poults.. (our gamebird starter has enough niacin for the poults).. so i use it as a preventative.
if you're adding it to the feed keep in mind that one 500 mg niacin tablet has enough niacin for around 45 to 50 ducks.. so you would only need a pinch for the poult if he eats all his food.. otherwise some of the niacin will settle to the bottom of the dish.. so a bit more never hurts

I would have to check the dosage for Brewers yeast since I don't normally use it.

an alternative is liquid B vitamins.. if you use a brand that delivers 20 mg of niacin per dropper.. so a half dropper would work for a poult that's around 4 weeks of age if you're direct dosing
I wonder if B vitamin tablets would work for a duckling? If it hatches I know I'll need something to help it get what it needs.

yup.. since our local starter feed for chicks, ducklings and goslings is deficient in Niacin I add either niacin or the B vitamins to their feed and water from the first feeding..
the chicks do fine on it... but if I don't supplement the waterfowl they start getting weak legs

however if your feed has plenty of niacin.. then you shouldnt need to supplement unless you have the odd bird that has a hard time utilizing it
Our feed store stopped selling regular chick starter and switched to medicated. I haven't read the info tag on it yet (I have no idea why) and the only thing I know is that I can't feed it to quail. Even though we've had ducks for years I'm still learning about them. I think the medicated starter may be the reason we didn't lose Ducky. We've had really bad luck with mallard hens for the past few years and I've been trying to figure out how it keep from losing them.
Our feed store stopped selling regular chick starter and switched to medicated. I haven't read the info tag on it yet (I have no idea why) and the only thing I know is that I can't feed it to quail. Even though we've had ducks for years I'm still learning about them. I think the medicated starter may be the reason we didn't lose Ducky. We've had really bad luck with mallard hens for the past few years and I've been trying to figure out how it keep from losing them.

that may have been the longest quote within quotes ever on byc lol
Shhh...I always use medicated. And rarely lose chicks, but haven't done ducks and this is my first time for turkeys
since he was a BB the protein was too high.. I've had them die from the same thing when the protein was too high for them.. But Heritage turkeys do better on the higher protein feed... just gotta watch those broad breasted guys.. they will start out limping then keel over on you very quickly
I have a BBW poult that had funky wings when she came from the hatchery & started limping almost right away. The wings have mostly straightened out but her 1 knee is really bad & her toe tucks under on that side. I feed a mix of 22% & 18% mixed with corn, oats, sweet mix & beef chop (over 3/4 is crumbles) & she is the only bird with a problem with her legs. Pretty sure her's was poor breeding to begin with since she arrived with issues. She gets around ok, but limps really bad.

sounds like her issue is genetic.. or a niacin deficiency

bad legs on a normal weight bird (for it's age) are usually caused by a lack of niacin, bad genes, or injury like a predator attack..
but if you have a "healthy" bird that is gaining weight rapidly (which is what the high protein feeds will do) their weight will cause leg issues since the bone isn't strong enough to support their weight.. in those birds a heart attack or flip usually comes soon after their legs start having issues... some will just up and die before that if too much bulk (fat usually) builds up around their hearts

the niacin issue can show up in both heritage and broad breasted birds (as well as other poultry like emu, ducks and geese)
but "flip" from too much protein is restricted to the fast growing birds like cornish cross, some strains of the 'freedom ranger" type birds and broad breasted turkeys
Not a high protien issue & she's almost exactly the same weight as the other poult from that hatch date so either they are both way too small or they are both girls. They are about the same weight as the red broilers who are a week older & the white broilers that are 3 weeks younger. To he that says 2 hens. I had another poult in that order that had wing issues & it only lasted about 2 days. I didn't think this 1 was going to make it either, but she's a fighter. She just has a bad leg & foot. Could be niacin I guess, but I would think that would affect the other poult & all of the ducks as well & they are all fine. I use an "all-flock" style feed so it should have plenty of niacin for ducklings & poults.

Nope..niacin deficiency is an individual thing

From Metzer Farms
"What if only a few of my birds have leg problems? Variability within a flock is normal. Each bird varies on how well it forms niacin from tryptophan, either due to genetics or the different microflora in their gut. It would not be unusual to have a single flock of birds, with some exhibiting a niacin deficiency and others walking perfectly normally - but all eating the same feed. "
Hmmmm...could be niacin then. She gets around ok for now but probably won't once she gets heavier. Kinda figured she would just end up getting processed early, or is this something that will kill her before she's big enough to process.

if she goes down on her legs she may very well end up dead .. if from nothing else than being able to move about and feed properly..
so long as she's still moving around ok you can try giving her extra niacin and see if you can catch it before it gets any worse... but if it's a genetic issue extra niacin won't help
I will have to separate her to make sure she gets the niacin. I have her in with 19 broilers & about 20 other chicks. Trying to remember what works best for niacin. Yeast
or am I not remembering right.

How old is she?..

You can use regular niacin from the store (human vitamins)
if you use a 500 mg tablet you can just break it into quarters and add 1/4 of the tablet to the drinking water (one tablet is good for about 4 gallons of water.. so 1/4 tablet per gallon)
I usually just crush the tablets up and sprinkle it into everyone's feed since I don't separate them from their buddies.. But then again our chick starter is lacking in niacin for the ducks.. and I use gamebird starter for the turkey poults.. (our gamebird starter has enough niacin for the poults).. so i use it as a preventative.
if you're adding it to the feed keep in mind that one 500 mg niacin tablet has enough niacin for around 45 to 50 ducks.. so you would only need a pinch for the poult if he eats all his food.. otherwise some of the niacin will settle to the bottom of the dish.. so a bit more never hurts

I would have to check the dosage for Brewers yeast since I don't normally use it.

an alternative is liquid B vitamins.. if you use a brand that delivers 20 mg of niacin per dropper.. so a half dropper would work for a poult that's around 4 weeks of age if you're direct dosing
I use fermented feed, so adding the yeast to a small portion & feeding her separate would likely be the best way to go so I don't have to waste it on the other 50 birds in the pen who don't need it.

Quote: Ducks aren't supposed to get medicated feed. Not good for them. Use a gamebird or "all-flock" style feed if you can't find unmedicated starter/grower.
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Second Annual Cinco De Mayo Turkey Hatch a long Digest 4-21-2013

Durr wondered if a candled duck looked good for 28 days. SilkieSansation said it looks good for a duck! It is a cauyga mix.

HEChicken is following the assisted hatching guide—or assisting a hatch. All seems well so far. HEChicken is figuring out if the Turkey eggs were ok from yesterday. Might just be a bit late.

Loghousemom candled the tutors and has some developing but thinks some are clears. Day 5 so the keep going for now. In another we were asked how we managed 100 chicks or ducklings at the same time? SilkieSensation: Swap meets! Wolftracks: Waiting list!

QuirkySue has the hubs taking her on a road trip to get hatching eggs! Fishing may be involved….

Durr Might be Getting(is getting) a 600 egg incubator! Lots of Swap meets and waiting lists ahead!

Gardengirl73 candled and tossed 17 eggs. Plans to fill the empty spaces…..

Wolftracks got some good hatching vibes from Gardengirl73!

CayuseRanch hears cheeping in the bators! SCG got Cornish eggs!

Cuppycake had a bad day. Dead 8 week old BB and then an incubator at 86 degrees. Hopefully they candle ok.

Wisher lost a Hen—Probably Coyotes….

Mrshaggie810 pitched two eggs—temps wonky—had a death in the family—Kit birthday party later…Quite a day!

Chicken pickin had a poult hatch!

ThaiDye also had tragedies—Dead 1 year old dog—4 year cat has a nasal growth—Treatment for the cat will be around $700.00.

Chiques chicks reminded us that it was spring and there is a lot to do… I am so behind…..

Yinepu and SilkieSensation discussed niacin deficiency as a cause of the BB Turkey Death.
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[COLOR=B22222]Second Annual Cinco De Mayo Turkey Hatch a long Digest 4-21-2013[/COLOR] Durr wondered if a candled duck looked good for 28 days. SilkieSansation said it looks good for a duck! It is a cauyga mix.
HEChicken is following the assisted hatching guide—or assisting a hatch. All seems well so far. HEChicken is figuring out if the Turkey eggs were ok from yesterday. Might just be a bit late.:fl Loghousemom candled the tutors and has some developing but thinks some are clears. Day 5 so the keep going for now. In another we were asked how we managed 100 chicks or ducklings at the same time? SilkieSensation: Swap meets! Wolftracks: Waiting list!:thumbsup QuirkySue has the hubs taking her on a road trip to get hatching eggs! Fishing may be involved….:lau Durr Might be Getting(is getting) a 600 egg incubator! Lots of Swap meets and waiting lists ahead!:th Gardengirl73 candled and tossed 17 eggs. Plans to fill the empty spaces…..
Wolftracks got some good hatching vibes from Gardengirl73!:highfive: CayuseRanch hears cheeping in the bators! SCG got Cornish eggs!:highfive: Cuppycake had a bad day. Dead 8 week old BB and then an incubator at 86 degrees. Hopefully they candle ok.:hugs Wisher lost a Hen—Probably Coyotes….:hugs Mrshaggie810 pitched two eggs—temps wonky—had a death in the family—Kit birthday party later…Quite a day!:hugs Chicken pickin had a poult hatch!:weee ThaiDye also had tragedies—Dead 1 year old dog—4 year cat has a nasal growth—Treatment for the cat will be around $700.00.:fl Chiques chicks reminded us that it was spring and there is a lot to do… I am so behind…..
Ynepu and SilkieSensation discussed niacin deficiency as a cause of the BB Turkey Death.:thumbsup
Oh oh I wanna be first!!! Thanks Ron for the awesome update! You rock and we love you!
I have had a horrible day. Well for three days I have been running a fever. Good news my oldest daughter won talent in the pageant and took second. But back to today. My large incubator got into the 200 temps and had three duck eggs explode. Really I mean how does that happen and why? Didnt know the temp would go that high. Anyways list all if my eggs in there. Over 5 dozen. Ugh. Second because the bator got too hot it over heated the trailer and I lost alot of chicks. I mean really this had to happen cuz I was sick. I just want to cry. Why? Why? Why?
Incubator in the house has 14 on lock down one has pipped and zipping out now.
Going to dr tomorrow and home to clean out cabinet incubator. I have done two hatches out of it and everything went perfect. I don't get it.
I have had a horrible day. Well for three days I have been running a fever. Good news my oldest daughter won talent in the pageant and took second. But back to today. My large incubator got into the 200 temps and had three duck eggs explode. Really I mean how does that happen and why? Didnt know the temp would go that high. Anyways list all if my eggs in there. Over 5 dozen. Ugh. Second because the bator got too hot it over heated the trailer and I lost alot of chicks. I mean really this had to happen cuz I was sick. I just want to cry. Why? Why? Why?
Incubator in the house has 14 on lock down one has pipped and zipping out now.
Going to dr tomorrow and home to clean out cabinet incubator. I have done two hatches out of it and everything went perfect. I don't get it.

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