**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

i am sorry to hear about the bad luck with the incubators. I am so nervous of that happening. I put mine in my closet in my basement office with no windows and no heat vents. The temps in there stay a steady 65 degrees, but I am still nervous.
Just make sure there is plenty of ventilation for oxygen exchange so the chicks don't suffocate & open the closet door at least daily to let fresh air in.
Just make sure there is plenty of ventilation for oxygen exchange so the chicks don't suffocate & open the closet door at least daily to let fresh air in.

Thanks! The door doesn't close all the way and it is a 5x8 unfinished space. I stuck them in there thinking it is best to keep my wild children away from bumping the thing... I have recurring dreams of them using the yoga ball to play real life pinball and the incubator going over sideways. I then lock the main door to the room so they cannot get in there unless I let them in! I am terribly mean. (The words of the kids)
I don't want to be a kill joy but.....can we do a little less of the quoting within the quoting? For those of us on slower connections, it is time consuming to load the page only to have to scroll past all of those quotes that have now been quoted a zillion times....

And definitely cut back on the quotes of photos, or delete down to the most relevant and shrink it! My finger has to be quick on the scroll wheel! Generally my connection speed isn't bad, but I've had bad in the past and almost had to avoid all posts with photos. I can certainly empathize.

Yup, two ducks, a pekin and a mallard type marked something.
Oh my word...I hadn't caught up yet when I posted...

You guys are magnificent!!!

I can't believe the talent!!

Truly a great choice for the contest.

I'm going to have to give away winner's choice of Chocolate Bantam Orps, Chocolate Project Marans, Chocolate Project d'Uccles, Chocolate/Mauve Project Barred Rocks, Chocolate Mottled Project Cochins, or Chocolate/Mauve Project Ameraucanas. I can see it'll be stiff competition!!

Are these the hatching eggs that are one of the prizes for the poetry contest?
Finally candled my turkey eggs last night and out of 18 only 8 were fertile. Not bad, but I wish more had developed. And out of 30 tutors I pulled 6, some clear, some blood rings.
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I start all my babies out on fermented. No transition needed. I just thicken it really well right before feeding to soak up excess water.

lol.. my chick will never touch fermented the first few days.. they walk through it and make a mess!.. So I always give them about a week or so then do the transition..

edited to trim down posts at other's requests (sorry guys.. i had gotten lazy)
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you should be good to go then.. I feed fermented too.. just have to swap the newest ducklings, goslings and chicks over to it this week as a matter of fact

Can turkeys do Medicated?

I start all my babies out on fermented. No transition needed. I just thicken it really well right before feeding to soak up excess water.

lol.. my chick will never touch fermented the first few days.. they walk through it and make a mess!.. So I always give them about a week or so then do the transition..
I cleaned the post us for you!
Just an update, Kitty seems to be feeling better...except for her breathing. Her appetite is certainly back. Practically ate a whole can of tuna yesterday. It even looks as tho the swelling went down (maybe wishful thinking). Gonna try putting a pinch of tumeric in her food. Can't hurt & may help.

On the egg front, only 2 (out of 5) of my Flarry Eye Greys hatched.

I bought hatching eggs for the first time ever. I bought 4 creme & gold Brabanter off Ebay-2 are good, 1 clear, 1 not sure
I bought some also from another BYCer. I got 4 Creme Legbar-2 are good, 1 clear, 1 blood ring; 3 Swedish Flowers-all bad (floating air cell); 3 GL Brahmas-all good!

So basically I bought 14 eggs total & only about 7 (maybe 8) are good. Oh well. It was an experiment only...one I won't be repeating anytime soon.

Also in the bator are 8 of my EE's-7 good, 1 blood ring; 3 BBCMs-1 good, 2 clear; & 1 mystery egg ("saved" from neighbors dogs)-good!

Yesterday, I found one of my roos not feeling well. Nothing in his crop & tail hanging low. He's in QT in my backyard. I syringed some vitamin water into his crop yesterday & gave a shot of Tylan 200. We'll see...Honestly tho, with all the stress I'm having after losing my puppy & kitty being sick, the chooks just don't bring me much joy right now. I feel defeated.

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