**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

How about Nutrena starter/grower. I use that & a meat bird crumble (also made by Nutrena) that's under Rural King's label.

the meat bird crumble should have plenty.. it's usually feed that's formulated for just layers that is lacking in niacin.. you can check the label.. i don't know if they list the amount of niacin in your feed or not.
But usually if there is any mention of game birds, ducklings and so on.. the feed SHOULD have enough Niacin.. there is always the chance that a bag at the mill just didn't get enough in it.. but if it's been properly formulated it's supposed to have enough if it's labeled for game birds or ducklings
Also.. if you supplement with grains, or other "treats" you may be shortchanging the niacin when the "treats" are added into the equation.

edited to trim down posts at other's requests (sorry guys.. i had gotten lazy)
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They would just die randomly. Necks stretched out and legs kicked out behind them. The one time I caught it before one of them died it seemed like it had no coordination. It couldn't get it's legs under it. I lost it a few minutes after that happened. It only ever happens with the mallard hens. Ducky is a Pekin we got last year.

do you remember if you found them laying on their backs.. or their stomachs?

edited to trim down posts at other's requests (sorry guys.. i had gotten lazy)
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Quote: MMMmmmm...chocolate d'Uccles....sounds yummy! I mean as a chocolate...not as a chicken. Like Souffle. Hmm...d'Uccle/Souffle...rhymes. No wonder it sounds yummy.
I don't want to be a kill joy but.....can we do a little less of the quoting within the quoting? For those of us on slower connections, it is time consuming to load the page only to have to scroll past all of those quotes that have now been quoted a zillion times....

Yes, Huge quotes are hard to read. It is fairly easy to edit out what does not apply to what is being replied to.

sorry guys. I usually trim things down.. but I had gotten lazy...

I'll try to remember to trim them down a bit.. (and here I was going for the "longest quoted post record")
if you can find Dumor chick starter (from Tractor Supply... has the little chick and duckling on the bag) switch them over to it.. it has enough niacin in it to straighten them out if they haven't gotten too bad .. from the pics at least the Dumor will stop the pekin's legs from getting worse.. hopefully it can help reverse it
That is interesting. I had always understood that Dumore is made by Purina and therefore I expected it would have a similar nutritional content.

ok... ok... ok guys.. dang.... I got the message already... y'all nag worse than a grumpy ol housewife!

Its okay Yinepu - you know we love you!
Oh by the way debs_flock - I loved that pic of the cat on the post! What a great caption. Sadly, our cat is almost that fat. I never let him overeat but he had a stroke last fall and had to be kept in confined quarters because he couldn't walk 4 steps without falling down. He enjoyed the 24/7 access to food. Very much.

My fourth poult I wasn't sure was going to make it as it was very weak this morning and even when I held it, made no attempt to get its legs under it and wasn't even whut-whutting when I talked to it. I've had it in an incubator by itself to give it time to recover and just heard it start yelling a minute ago. I went in and think it was looking for its Mama. So I now have it tucked in my shirt where it is back asleep but looking much more like it will soon be ready to join the land of the living. Yay!!!

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