**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

This was asked on another thread and I think its a pretty cool idea to know why others chose their sign on names!

Anyone want to share how you came up with your screen name?


When the pullets were in the garage before moving outside, we had to clean up layers and layers of poop off the garage floor. Somehow I always got that job so my family called me "poop lady". When I joined BYC I just made my screen name chickenpooplady.
I don't know if it makes a difference or not but maybe I should clarify. I dry hatch but the. Humidity at lockdown was high enough to cause condensation in the corner of the window.

even if you dry incubate the humidity can still get too high for that particular batch of eggs during incubation.. everything from your local weather to the porosity of the shells plays a part in how much moisture the eggs will lose

if you ever find that the air cells aren't growing fast enough.. or that the eggs aren't losing weight like they should be you can add a dish of plain uncooked white rice or packets of silica gel to the bator to help remove the excess moisture. If you use the rice you do need to stir it up a bit (moving the rice at the top to the bottom of the dish) .. and then remove the drying agent from the bator at hatch and bump the humidity up a bit as needed

as a note.. never ever trust the hygrometer.. they need to be calibrated before each and every hatch (which I am willing to bet that 99% of the people on here never do).. which is why the eggs will be your best barometer of how they are progressing and if humidity needs to be altered.
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Yay, lockdown is almost here for me! Wow where did the time go?
YEAHHHHHHHHHH ME TOO!!!! 2 doz BCM and 2 doz BO WHere DID the time go?

Well, I think my boys were too busy fighting each other to pay attention to the hens. I candled and pulled all but 13 of my 36 turkeys. On the bight side all 6 of Ariele's are still in as well as all the tutors. And since I had more space and a couple folks had backed out of their egg orders, there was nothing to do but set another 2 dozen Iowa Blues. I did decide I'm going to butcher my entire turkey flock this fall and start over with the pure bred Sweetgrass I just ordered from Porters. I decided since it doesn't cost any more to raise pure bred birds than mutts I might as well have a good flock.
WOnderful news!!!

Generally the rule of odds is used for the males : 1,3,5 etc. THe theory that while two are fighting, if they do, one guy is on the job. NOW, I do have to say with the amount of time the toms take to get the job done, I"m no longer certain this works for turkeys! WHen I candle at lockdown I'll be sure to record which turkey eggs are from which pen. I have a pen of three toms over 8 hens and a pen of 1 tom over two hens.
I never had internet or technology at all, really, until about 2 years ago. A friend had to set up my e-mail account for me, so she told me to pick a name, I drew a blank. I looked over at my DD playing the game Cooking Mama on her DS. I love to Garden, and it just clicked "GardeningMama". That's my story, I got my name from a DS game, LOL!

Ill play

Chicken Pickin:
The name came from a few years ago before I even knew id own chickens. We went to tractor supply often to take the kids to go see the chicks and they always wanted to pick them out to take some home. My Husband and I always told them one day we will go chicken pickin and have some chicks to bring home. So last year we went chicken pickin and started with our first 12 chicks. We slowly pick more chicks turkey and ducklings to add to our ever growing lttle backyard farm. We will probably always continue to go chicken pickin lol.coo
cool story too!
Good morning all!

I believe I have just had my best and worst hatch all rolled into one. I had severa from my layer flock and Cochin pen as well as 6 shipped of mottled Cochin.

The best parts..
5 of 6 shipped eggs hatched
all except 1 of my eggs either hatched pipped or zipped

The bad parts
1 has an unabsorbed yolk sac
there was blood all over the bator from 1 that has like a bloody string out its belly
2 zipped partially around and stopped. After the first one died I decided to assist the second. After starting I decided it was almost as if the chick was too big for the egg. There were no veins left in the membrane and now all he needs to do is uncurl from the egg and hes out but hes still curled up for over an hour.
also the chicks seem "sticky" fuzz isn't fluffing the same. Humidity was high this time. Does that cause sticky chick?

So anyway...mixed feelings on this hatch. Advice and experiences appreciated.
wow I don't know what to say, as that's mixed issues. weird that it was your eggs that had the issues, maybe the freshness of your own eggs vs shipped eggs caused water loss to be different?
Quote: That's just awesome too!
Quote: I have had them drown after pip simply because the air was too moist & they couldn't breathe. This was back when I 1st started & listened to everyone who said humidity needed to be like 80% for hatch. I lost a LOT of chicks who simply suffocated from all the moisture in the air. So whether you call that drowning or suffocating it's still high humidity during hatch that causes it.
Hey guys first time with duck eggs. And its day 24 and lock down time. I have one egg that has pipped internally but it looks like there is fluid in the aircell. I kept my humidity between 45 & 55 throuhout the incubation. Should i make an external pip? He's still moving but not chirpping yet i can see him trying though. And also on my other 3 eggs all i see is darkness at top. No movement and clear towards the small end of the egg is this normal? I'm lost!!!
Ahhh. I think 1 is two few, I'd be afraid to lose one then have none. So I guess that means I get to keep 3! Or keep two and pen them separate in the spring. Naw, 3 is better.
My screen name actually started years before the internet. My real nickname is DiDi which my brother shortened even further to D2 or "D squared" (DD is how you say my name) one day. So when it came time to set up my first personal email account I wanted to go with D squared but it was already taken. I shortened it down to dsqard and that worked. Ever since then I set up new email accounts or screen names using dsqard most of the time because it is easy for me to remember although the personal email I have now is actually svuav (story for another day

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