**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

This is my first turkey hatch, so I have a question about assisting...

I had one hatch early yesterday morning, then another was pipped by 8:30 AM. My bator is at work, so I stopped in to check on it and found the pip. I have a webcam, but I can only get it to see 1 or two eggs at a time through the window of my bator. I set it on the egg with the pip and watched it all day long. It took until late evening for it to pop out a small 1/4" section of shell and has done nothing since. I think I can see its little beak poking out, but the camera pic isn't really clear through the bator window and the hole is near the down side of the egg. The egg next to it (about 3/4 out of my picture) is hatching right now and hadn't even pipped as of noon yesterday... Should I help the pipped egg or let her work it out on her own? If she were a chicken, I would have helped her by now... I'm going to stop in to check on them before I go to church this morning, so any quick advice would be great!

As long as it is moving and making noise on a reg basis to indicate it is going strong, leave it alone. I too assist, when to assist is not always clear so you will need to make a jusdgement. I will rip the cap off and make the poult or chick do the rest of the work. In my experience the legg movement to push and shove and turn is vital to proper leg function post hatch. ( I don't carefully chip the shell to mimic the zipping, I just rip the cap off.) Sometimes they get glued due to drying and need futher assistance to get out. THen I give a little PT. KEep us posted. and good luck!!
I've missed pages of posts.. so jumping to the end

goslings hatched.. ducklings and chicks working on it..
newest eggs set in the bator.. i think I only have one more box of eggs inbound.. lol

congrats to everyone who has new ducklings, poults, and chicks!
I'm so glad everyone is hatching!! All six of my silkies made it out last night! They are all beautiful blue/blacks, greys and one little super light grey/lavender baby! They are sll still in the incubator, we're still waiting on the two mille fleures that were set a little late... Is it okay to remove the silkies quickly? I was thinking of taking the incubator quickly to my steamy bathroom to take them out, I'm so nervous to open it!
Quote:Originally Posted by mrshaggie810

So QUICK...I have a question...I have a broody
my first EVER...but she is being a BRAT and won't let me take the (definitely unfertile because we don't have any roosters) egg out from under her (which is not even hers I might add) even though I want to give her several duck eggs to sick on. :( I am a wuss. I fully admit this. I don't like chicken kisses, and every bird I was ever around growing up bit me. I have been surprisingly happy and comfortable around my current birds...until now...so...what should I do? I can kind of hold her head and grab the egg I want from under her, then place the duck eggs under her, but I wasn't sure if that might make her reject them...I tried slipping them in once she was asleep...haha...as soon as I walked in she was awake and giving me the evil eye. Option 2 is I can throw her off the nest, close the door, make the quick exchange, then let her back in and hope she doesn't attack me...but again....she might reject the eggs...and option 3: and the least desirable, is to wear my gloves and let her "kiss" the crap out of my hands and arms while I try to make the changes...so...what the crap should I do? I'm about fed up...if she isn't going to sit on eggs that will actually hatch, then I don't want her being broody. lol

My broodies seem to get used to it and calm down. I had a slate turkey that started off real nasty, but by the end of it she would just stand up when I got close.
Still does it in fact.

This morning started well - I have 9 of 11 Iowa Blue tutors hatched and 1 yellow poult.
Then moved 33 chicks out of the basement brooders to make room for them
Time to share another video of the eggs hatching and the 2 very early chicks

Anyone experienced with pea comb vs single comb, does this chick appear to have a pea comb? It did to me which would make it a definite keeper being black AND having a pea comb - especially if it turned out to be a Rooster.

I agree with wolftracks. It does look like it has a pea comb.
I brought home 10 goose eggs last night from an old farmer we stopped to talk to on our way to go visit family. JJ saw me writing on them this morning & getting them ready to go in the bator. He asked me where I was going to put them. He had seen my bators last night when he turned all of my stacked eggs for me because I went to bed before him because I was sick. I told him I would just have to shuffle eggs around & stack them in there. He told me to go buy another bator today, that they would never fit.
I just love having a live-in enabler.
I will be heading to TSC this afternoon to snag another styro bator for the 10 goose eggs plus the other 4-5 shipments of eggs I have coming this week. (I didn't tell him there were more eggs on the way, but he knows me all too well.

We also came home to 1 pekin hatched last night & 2 more pipped. I'm actually hoping most of the babies will be a bit late from that batch so my sons class can watch them all hatch. There are still runners, silkies, buff orps, oegb, calls & cochin mix in there due between now & Thursday as well but I want them to see as many hatch as possible.
Hey All! Haven't been on in a while, but wanted to send well wishes for everyone's hatches!!

My official count for the hatch is 8 hatched out of 15 set. Not very good, but I'm happy with the 8 I got! 1 Blue/Gold Partridge Brahma, 1 Brahma Mix, 2 Blue & 4 Splash Cochins from Sally's Eggs!!

Very cute chicks
I have 2 poults hatched, one pipped and one almost zipped, Thanks Mike likes 4 out 6 isn't bad huh. How's that little goat of yours
OMG one polish chick today! Never successfully hatched despite three attempts with an incubator. Sweet mother of pearl! seven more to go-today was day 21. Geez, am I excited.

Now you've gone and done it! You're hook...................................better be careful


He told me to go buy another bator today, that they would never fit.
I just love having a live-in enabler.

NO, they are evil people! That's why I currently have 200-300 chicks/poults still under heat. Sale anyone???

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