**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

I have 6 BR turkeys make it to lock down and have 10 RIR tutors in with them. Temp is at 98.5 to 99 and humidity is 55%. Come on fuzzy butts!
Whew y'all have been busy 10 pages in 4 days. I have been busy and sick. Ugh. Been spring cleaning since I can't be in the direct sun. Had a baby hatch today! Yea! I have 6 more pipped. Hopefully they will ll be out in the morning.
Well I am throwing an online Scentsy party since I can't leave my bubble so if you need anything you can order and it will be shipped directly to you! ( just like me...lol)
Still no external pulling but one more appears to have pipped internally, and the one little one that was moving is still working in it it seems...i heard tapping today so hopefully thats a good sign!
what am I doing wrong? I candled right before lockdown and there were 32 developed and moving, 4 days later only 8 hatched, 2 pipped but never made it out... nothing from the rest I candled 2, no movement so i opened them, they had pipped internally then died. What could be causing this? It happened in my hatch before this one, 24 definitely developed and only 4 hatched, what is going on? I basically did a dry incubation, the air cells looked about right... I'm sick about this, they're so close, ugh! so disappointing, I have another 4 doz in the incubator due to hatch in 10 days I'd like to try figure out the issue so they have a chance to hatch. any ideas?
I gave the Five poults to my broody last night, and this morning they were happily following here around, and she was showing them were the food and water was, then I just went out to let everyone out for the rest of the day and found all five inin front of her, pecked to death, and her still growling and pecking and last one which died in my hands
No more babies for her ever again!
I'm so mad and sad, I wanted those royal palms so bad
I didn't even get a chance to take pics of them
So so sorry, Very sad.


I picked up a duckling at the feed store today as a buddy for the one I hatched from Jess's eggs. It is all yellow on the bottom, stomach, and chest; and all black on top. He has a black stripe down the center of his bill and a couple of black spots on his feet. Anyone know what kind he/she is?
A duck?

Congrats to those who had/are having good hatches!
to those who have not.

I made the mistake of leaving the turkey eggs in the Farm Master to hatch and I could not get the humidity up. First poult out was fine (must of pipped and popped quickly) and in the morning there were two zippers (small) and pips on many eggs. I had planned a busy day to avoid hanging around the incubator all day. By the end of the day, I knew there was trouble since there was no progress on the eggs that were zipping in the morning. I removed them and checked them. I lost one of the zippers and saved one. I put the eggs in the LG with high humidity and four more had hatched by morning. I took the LG into the bathroom and turned on the hot shower and took out the new arrivals and checked the others. One tutor and 3 poults were still viable so left them in. All hatched but I bathed all of them to get rid of the "glue" and returned them to the LG to dry off before adding them to the group today.
I ended up with 9 poults and 1 tutor. No pictures yet.......maybe tomorrow......
Good job!!!!

One of the poults I had to assist died overnight... That leaves me with 2... Maye I'm just not cut out for this turkey hatching thing...
Try, try again! My first time I was thrilled to have 50% hatch. Lots of sleepless nights to get there. Now, with many more hatches under my belt, sucess is easier. Like chicks, hatching takes a little practice to get the conditions just right. Need some eggs??
Here are the 10 that have hatched so far! I have another pipped and moving around. I'm not sure how many more out of the 5 remaining eggs are going to hatch.
Are these poults? OR . . . .Are these quail??Texas A& M . . . give me the story!! ( sorry if I missed it earlier) Love the definied stripes.

Quote: You can also always butcher when ever you decide they are ready & put them in the icebox until you want to use them. (That being said, I need a bigger icebox.)
THat's why I have TWO deep freezers!!

Quote: I have fallen in love with the goofy little things! They act so silly it's hard not to like them.

I'm working on selling the hens. I have been since they killed the duckling before it could hatch. The 3 hens that are broody are fantastic mothers. They try to hurt anything that gets near them while they're on the nest. This is the first time I've ever had hens from that line act this way. I'm disappointed.
I pen my turkeys separately from the chickens. THough I haven't had any turkey hens go broody yet. ( I pull all eggs)
what am I doing wrong? I candled right before lockdown and there were 32 developed and moving, 4 days later only 8 hatched, 2 pipped but never made it out... nothing from the rest I candled 2, no movement so i opened them, they had pipped internally then died. What could be causing this? It happened in my hatch before this one, 24 definitely developed and only 4 hatched, what is going on? I basically did a dry incubation, the air cells looked about right... I'm sick about this, they're so close, ugh! so disappointing, I have another 4 doz in the incubator due to hatch in 10 days I'd like to try figure out the issue so they have a chance to hatch. any ideas?
Sorry for the loss. I too was having an issue. Went from good hatches, to several bad, then a good hatch. ANd honestly I don't know why.

WHen you are able , do an eggtopsy. It can be revealing. I personally hate doing it and have to plan and get myself together to deal with it. IT is a sad job. IT is an important peice of the puzzle. Quality of the feed can easily impact the hatching. NOt saying your feed is bad, rather if it was perhaps slightly deficient in a nutrient.

Keep us posted on the next hatch. I know I dread all my hatches from that particular pen.

what am I doing wrong? I candled right before lockdown and there were 32 developed and moving, 4 days later only 8 hatched, 2 pipped but never made it out... nothing from the rest I candled 2, no movement so i opened them, they had pipped internally then died. What could be causing this? It happened in my hatch before this one, 24 definitely developed and only 4 hatched, what is going on? I basically did a dry incubation, the air cells looked about right... I'm sick about this, they're so close, ugh! so disappointing, I have another 4 doz in the incubator due to hatch in 10 days I'd like to try figure out the issue so they have a chance to hatch. any ideas?
I don't know what kind of incubator you have, or your level of hatching experience, but my first thought on this is ventilation. If you don't have enough ventilation, they will suffocate, sometimes after pipping internally. Hatching is hard work and takes a lot of effort and therefore they need a lot of fresh air/oxygen. If there isn't enough ventilation, the first to hatch will use up all the available oxygen, leaving others to suffocate from lack of it.

If you have a styro bator and have any plugs in, get rid of them. My first incubator was a home-built and I did not understand the importance of air exchange so had only a few small holes, and had several disappointing hatches where chicks developed to full-term but never hatched. I finally made a TON of ventilation holes all over the styro-cooler, and my next few hatches were in the 90-100% range.

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