**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Just a general note on kids, without good supervision and helping kids see the wrong or problem with what they are doing, they cannot become better people without a miracle. It takes a village . . . .
Yesterday was day 7 and I candled the eggs from Wisher1000! 12 out of 14 were developing!!! I even saw movement in a few!!!
I removed the two clears and cracked them open. One was scrambled from shipping and the other was a very early death.
Quote: It's perfectly legal if you post a sign on your property stating that you have video surveillance. That means they have been warned & therefore anything you catch on video is admissible in court. Sometimes even posting a sign without actually putting up a camera is enough to deter them.

Just a general note on kids, without good supervision and helping kids see the wrong or problem with what they are doing, they cannot become better people without a miracle. It takes a village . . . .
It takes exactly what I grew up with. All of the neighbors knowing each other & working together to help out with each other's kids. If I see 1 of my neighbor kids up to no good not only do I give them an earful but I let their parents know they got an earful & what for. Then it's up to the parents to do something about it. Sadly, there are so many these days who just don't even care what their kids are up to & don't even attempt to discipline them.
I'm going to toss one my cats out if I find out it killed one of my quail. Dad found one of my babies on the couch, ripped apart
and our toy poodle/dachshund guarding it. Not eating it or even making a move to eat it, just guarding it. He doesn't like for anyone to get near his food and growls at anyone that gets too close, even if he knows he isn't supposed to have it. He didn't do that with the quail. He acted like he was trying to keep everyone else away from it, but let dad pick it up. Luka (GSD/pitt) was near by as well, but she stays away from anything she even thinks will get her in trouble and my SIL's little dog Rusty has absolutely no interest in any of them. That leaves 2 cats and a chihuahua. I don't doubt that Yo-Yo would eat one of them if she was given the chance, but she's been hiding in the girls' room all day like she always does.

As for the cats, Sadie stays away from all birds. She's gotten in trouble in the past for hovering over the brooders and she learned pretty fast that she can't get away with anything. Saber has never been in trouble with us over birds, but dad has seen him hovering over the quail a few times since they were moved to the big brooder. He's the one that I might end up kicking out.

I had JUST given them fresh water and food before I got distracted. I know I put the wire back on top of the brooder before I answered the phone. It might sound bad, but it was just my mom calling to check on me. She would rather I not answer the phone than put any of our animals in danger. I really dislike cats sometimes.
I really dislike cats sometimes.
Me as well. We had several neighborhood cats that would frequent our chicken coop back when they were baby chicks. Luckily they were all locked away. A few months ago one of them scratched our dogs eye and he nearly lost it. He had to have his eye surgically repaired. Needless to say if I ever saw that cat again in our fenced yard there is a good chance it would be taking a permanent dirt nap. I think our dog may have injured it either enough during their scuffle that it died or decided never to come back though.
I'm going to toss one my cats out if I find out it killed one of my quail. Dad found one of my babies on the couch, ripped apart
and our toy poodle/dachshund guarding it. Not eating it or even making a move to eat it, just guarding it. He doesn't like for anyone to get near his food and growls at anyone that gets too close, even if he knows he isn't supposed to have it. He didn't do that with the quail. He acted like he was trying to keep everyone else away from it, but let dad pick it up. Luka (GSD/pitt) was near by as well, but she stays away from anything she even thinks will get her in trouble and my SIL's little dog Rusty has absolutely no interest in any of them. That leaves 2 cats and a chihuahua. I don't doubt that Yo-Yo would eat one of them if she was given the chance, but she's been hiding in the girls' room all day like she always does.

As for the cats, Sadie stays away from all birds. She's gotten in trouble in the past for hovering over the brooders and she learned pretty fast that she can't get away with anything. Saber has never been in trouble with us over birds, but dad has seen him hovering over the quail a few times since they were moved to the big brooder. He's the one that I might end up kicking out.

I had JUST given them fresh water and food before I got distracted. I know I put the wire back on top of the brooder before I answered the phone. It might sound bad, but it was just my mom calling to check on me. She would rather I not answer the phone than put any of our animals in danger. I really dislike cats sometimes.
I had a cat a couple months ago that was given to me & every time it managed to get in the house the 1st thing it did was jump in my brooder & grab a chick & run with it after killing it (figured out real quick why she had pawned the cat off on me, it had been killing her chicks). It got 4 of them & my fiance refused to let me get rid of the stupid thing. Then it killed 1 of our kittens, his favorite. He tried to go after it with a knife & I wouldn't let him. I was headed on a road trip through the country the next day so it went with me & got a nice new home in the middle of no where along the way. Totally ticks me off that it was perfectly ok with him for HIS cat to kill MY chicks but not HIS favorite kitten. We've had the same thing when some of MY birds got wet & died because he left the coop window open during a thunderstorm. Didn't bother him a bit until I reminded him HE has a bird in that coop too. He found out how it feels the next time he left the coop window open & it was HIS bird who ended up dead when temps dropped below 30F that night. I lost 10 birds that night & 12 in 2 nights the time before (he didn't bother to tell me we had lost birds until the 2nd night of losing even more & I could have saved the 2nd batch if he had told me we had lost the 1st batch). He doesn't understand there's also a BIG money factor involved here as well. That was over $300 worth of birds we lost just because he didn't bother to close a window when he closed the coop for the night, not once, but 3 times.
Sometimes ya just wanna
I was headed on a road trip through the country the next day so it went with me & got a nice new home in the middle of no where along the way.
SilkieSensation, if you ever run into a situation like this again, please take the animal to the pound. Dumping animals in the middle of "no where" usually means they wind up as someone else's problem. I am not trying to give you a hard time, I just know living out in a rural area (which I do) means that your livestock can wind up as dinner to strays.
Quote: Thought about that afterward. At that point in time I just wanted it gone or it was going to be dead. Around here, the shelters kill cats. I gave it a chance at least. What I was most ticked about was the fact that the girl that pawned it off on me swore it had been around her birds & been fine. I really wanted to take it & dump it back at her house, but that was a 3 hr drive 1 way.
Quote: It's perfectly legal if you post a sign on your property stating that you have video surveillance. That means they have been warned & therefore anything you catch on video is admissible in court. Sometimes even posting a sign without actually putting up a camera is enough to deter them.

Just a general note on kids, without good supervision and helping kids see the wrong or problem with what they are doing, they cannot become better people without a miracle. It takes a village . . . .
It takes exactly what I grew up with. All of the neighbors knowing each other & working together to help out with each other's kids. If I see 1 of my neighbor kids up to no good not only do I give them an earful but I let their parents know they got an earful & what for. Then it's up to the parents to do something about it. Sadly, there are so many these days who just don't even care what their kids are up to & don't even attempt to discipline them.
IMHO, put all the kids to work on a farm again. OR other wise keep them busy and contributing. I worry I will be taken to task for making my kids do chores. THe rules have changed drastically and kids are not required to helpout in families any more. I grew up having few chores and little I was responsilble for; when I grew up I didn't know how to take care of so many things. I want my kids to be better prepared than I was.

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