**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Goodness by the time I add up the cracked, the stained, and the who knows how old-- I have plenty of eggs to give to chicks and broodies as treats. THough I have to admit that I often use the stained ones and feel horribly guilty that I am stealing baby food.
Goodness by the time I add up the cracked, the stained, and the who knows how old-- I have plenty of eggs to give to chicks and broodies as treats. THough I have to admit that I often use the stained ones and feel horribly guilty that I am stealing baby food.
My son is the best one to give eggs to (he showed poultry in 4H). I don't have to make any effort to wash them or give him clean eggs. I asked him if he washed the filthy ones before using them................he said he just looks for a clean spot to crack, LOL. I give him lots of eggs, he'll take anything.
Ron and SCG -

As long as the two of you are here, did either of you have any issues with any of the chicks you hatched from my eggs? All the chicks I hatched in the first and second batch were fine, but the third batch has some issues. Two cross beaks, one with a bad eye, and three with webbed toes. I also have several with white flight feathers but didn't think much of that at first, because they could be crosses. Now that the other issues have shown up, I'm beginning to wonder.....
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Not a single thing with yours and I had plenty of problems in that hatch with my ebay eggs... brains exposed, massively curled toes (look like swastikas, no kidding), no bottom beak...

The ones of yours that I still have (most of them) are growing out nicely, too. The girls are really smart. They are the first chicks that I didn't have to CHASE into the coop once they got integrated. I had to put them in the first night. The second night they went in on their own, and I put them on the roost. Same thing the third night. Tonight they were all up on their roost when I came out.
The BCM rooster I had is no more. A coyote got him and I was planning to keep one of the new ones growing out. Now, I'm not sure. I think I may try to get one from a different line. Or stop using the hens. I'm glad to hear you had no problems. Did you get any that appear to be full BCM? I know you have at least one that is full Ameraucana (EE). How many are pullets and how many cockerals did you end up with? I know you sent two or three to the goat man, are you planning to process any anytime soon? I will be interested to see how they dress out.
Ron and SCG -

As long as the two of you are here, did either of you have any issues with any of the chicks you hatched from my eggs? All the chicks I hatched in the first and second batch were fine, but the third batch has some issues. Two cross beaks, one with a bad eye, and three with webbed toes. I also have several with white flight feathers but didn't think much of that at first, because they could be crosses. Now that the other issues have shown up, I'm beginning to wonder.....

All were and are fine(as far as I know--They are in Redding).

Did anything change other than the Rooster? Feed? Could they have parasites?

It probably is the Rooster though.
I would have to think about it, Ron, but I don't think anything changed. The hatches were less than a month apart and right after the two of you got eggs from me. I probably don't have to worry anymore, since the rooster is gone and the new ones are likely mixed. I never really planned to raise BCMs anyway.

I'm glad you didn't have any issues. It could have been a developmental problem related to the incubation period, instead of genetic.
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OK, runners have been claimed for this week. Still up for grabs are 40+ pekins, 25+ calls & 10+ Scovies. If anyone is interested, just let me know what you have to swap. Right now, eggs are not on my "want" list due to overflowing bators unless you have sebbies.
THOSE I will find room for regardless of how full my bators are!!! JJ LOVES applebutter or really any jam/jelly/butter that he can spread on crackers & munch while watching TV. Other items of interest would be rubber/plastic feed bowls suitable for fermented feed, baby feeders, baby waterers, quail feeders/waterers or an incubator...LOL Just PM me if interested. I'll consider other things too, especially stuff suitable for a 9 yr old girl or 6 yr old boy.
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