Second Guessing, Red vs. Green?


14 Years
Jul 10, 2009
North Carolina Sandhills
My Coop
My Coop
As of yesterday, when I saw him dance for one of the ladies, I was sure I would keep Green as my line-sire for the Blue Australorps.

So I went to transfer Red to the bachelor pen and drama ensued.

This morning I got a better look at the two of them side by side and realized that the difference in size is no longer just a few ounces of weight, but that Red is noticeably taller.

Green is much superior in color and lacing and there's something I really like about the shape of his chest. Plus I've seen him dance for the ladies. But I'm second-guessing if Red is really the better bird.

One must go. My goal is not to create a show flock, but to have backyard layers who are reasonable representatives of their breed so that I can sell chicks and started birds without shame.

Both boys popped their combs by 3 weeks and showed clear saddles between 10-11 weeks. Both started crowing a few weeks ago. Neither is a pet. Both move away when I walk toward them but don't freak out.

So far they're peacefully coexisting with Ludwig, the 8-month Black Langshan cockerel. Red seems to be more dominant. I haven't seen any preference among the girls -- the adult hens are unimpressed by either of them and some of the pullets hang around each of them (they're often together anyway).

In these photos Green is the dark one and Red the paler one.


This is probably the best side-by-side. I think you can see what I'm talking about with the chest but you can't see the size difference that's clear in person.


Is it possible for you to keep both, in case you need a backup?
They are both very nice, but the darker one is the one that would catch my eye.
You might edit your title or use #tags to get responses from australorp breeders.
Good luck with whichever one you decide on!
Is it possible for you to keep both, in case you need a backup?
They are both very nice, but the darker one is the one that would catch my eye.
You might edit your title or use #tags to get responses from australorp breeders.
Good luck with whichever one you decide on!

No, I can't keep both. It's too rowdy right now with 3 cockerels and 20 girls -- especially since I might have to lock down my flock due to the avian influenza in NC.

I want Ludwig as flock sire for now in my mixed flock because of his excellent temperament.
I would go with red, I really like his coloring a little more unique but both are very nice looking boys

His coloring is not really up to the SOP. It's his size that has me second-guessing because I value rapid growth.



Trying to look up a photo of a show-quality Blue Australorp made me realize that Green has better color and lacing than the photos several hatcheries are showing in their catalogs.


Welp (where my birds came from):

I would keep the one with better coloring. Their development isn’t that far off from each other. I think more in your target market will be more concerned with color, conformation and egg production. Rather than fast developing cockerels.

That's an excellent point. My market will be primarily backyarders who don't want to/aren't set up to raise their own chicks.

I would keep the darker one. My eye was drawn to him even in the blurred pictures

I debated including the blurry shots (it's so hard to get a clear photo of healthy, ACTIVE chickens), but I thought that they showed the body profiles pretty well so I included them.

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