Second hatch, down to three eggs- rotten? Also, fuzzy butt pics!

Chicky #3 came out with a lot of blood on his butt, and what looks like an open hole (not his vent) between his legs. It was enough blood to make 2 quarter sized stains when I used a washcloth to blot it. The other two had tony little drops of blood there, and a much smaller hole (barely a hole, actually) but this one has a much bigger hole. Should I do anything, or just see how this one does? It is very weak and not doing much, but it is chirping loudly on and off and lifting it's head.
There wasn't any yolk left behind though. The egg shell had a bit of blood in the bottom though. I went back and looked and after being dried off a little more, the bleeding has stopped and the hole is close to the same as the others- not really a hole exactly. Hard to describe. He is very limp and weak though. If I rub his back gently, he gets to peeping and moving around a little more but otherwise wants to lie. I'm sure he's tired after his ordeal, getting out of that shell sure doesn't look like an easy feat!

Would giving him a few drops of sugar water help him perk up some?
Well, poor Chick #3 passed about five minutes after hatching. I buried him in the back yard. I think he was just not meant to make it. Good news is, I went out to get my car from the shop ($700 OMG), and go home to a VERY energetic little buff baby with a very lusty PEEP. Big and beautiful, also vaulted! I'm so happy things went so well this hatch. I truly was not expecting a single chick.
Well that confuses me even more! My temps ran way low for half the hatch, normally for most of it, then high at times. I haven't been able to get the humidity above 55%. This stuff is so complicated, isn't it! I just got in from cleaning stalls and chicks 1 and 3 are snuggled up in the food dish. Too cute.
Well, so far I have five beautiful buff Silkies, all with GORGEOUS feet and vaulted heads! Very poofy already- love it. Then there is the weirdly colored baby, it's got partridge markings but is white. It came from a blue sizzle hen and a white silkie roo. Go figure. It is beautiful, whatever color it is.

I have 3 eggs left in there... They've done nothing, I've candled and keep thinking I see movement, but again, no pips. This is day 22. They don't stink, really. The bator stunk because of wet paper towels + heat + egg hatching glop soaking down. I cleaned the crud out quickly, and put them back and am not noticing much of a smell. Seems like if I put a rotten egg to my nose, it would reek. These don't. There were four last night, and one did not look right. I cracked it open, it had a perfectly formed dead baby with a huge yolk hanging out of a huge hole in it's belly area. Did it die before pipping, or what?

How long should I give these three eggs?

Oh. and fuzzybutt pics...




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