Second post...twins?

cindy parker

5 Years
Apr 18, 2014
Sylvania Georgia
Trying to determine if I have a double yolk egg. I posted yesterday but never got a response. I'm new to incubating eggs and could really use some insight...thanks
Sorry you didn't get an answer yesterday, but in my experience its really hard to tell if its twins. And from a picture, its even more difficult. I could have sworn that a few of mine were twins, but all turned out not to be. I believe I was seeing head and feet and assuming it was two heads. Maybe someone else who has seen a set of twins will chime in.
When you were candling did you move the egg around a bit at all to see how the two forms moved and shifted in relation to your movement and each other?
It can be frustrating sometimes when posting because it is such a large, fast moving community that sometimes a post will slip through the cracks - don't be afraid to "self promote" your threads if you feel that is happening - you can "bump" your post back up so it might get seen or, if you notice a particular member or two in a given area of the boards seems to have good knowledge about what you are asking about you could even private mess them, tag them into the post, etc to get some eyes on your question. A lot of folks, myself included, use the "new posts" feature when viewing the forums - it's a great feature and makes it easy to navigate the whole site and all the posts at once vs. having to visit individual areas *but* the downside is that the volume of posts is such that a thread can be bumped back to pages 2, 3 or beyond within a short time after being posted and that makes it more likely to be missed as it slips into "never never land" (this is when bumping helps as it moves it back to the front of the list)
LOL - I just learned it was possible here the other day @lazy gardener (see what I did there - @typemembernamehere (when you start to type the member name a drop down of possible matches appears, you can select the one you want or just finish typing it out) I like the drop down because sometimes I can't remember just how someone spells their member name
then depending on your notification settings, you can be notified when you are tagged. But... @Ol Grey Mare is there a way to see when you have been tagged, other than email notification? Like "Subscriptions" and "Private Messages" at the top shows a number in a red dot of how many posts have new comments since the last time you looked. Is there anything similar for tags?
Thanks for your help. I did move the egg from side to side but i just can't tell if it's just a very active chick or two active chicks:) it's not a very large egg so I doubt it is a twin egg.!

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