Securing pre-existing coop


Aug 2, 2016
We have had difficulty with predators lately, and recently lost a beloved chicken to a horrible massacre. We are keeping everyone indoors at night while we secure the coops. They are already built and have poultry fencing, but we are adding 1/2 inch construction mesh. My question is, what to do about the floors? Currently they are dirt floors with straw. We are pulling out all the straw to insure that we have all the gaps covered, and to secure the floor. Do we cement it, wire mesh it, a combo... Bury wire outside the coop.... We do not want anymore deaths or injuries and do not want to end up trapping our birds in with a predator, which is basically what the previous wire did.
Sorry for you loss of a beloved hen.

Show us a picture to help us out.

I have dirt floor in pen with 2 foot of fence buried under a mighty collection of rocks and dirt.

Grass and trees have covered the rocks in this coop. When you have trees this close you must have a secure top.
Thanks for the quick reply. It was a pretty traumatic loss. I will post pics ASAP of the coop. I have secured around the tree that is close and over the roof as you recommended.

(Pic was of wrap in progress)

I wrapped my pen in 5' of hardware cloth. 3 feet up, then bent out in an "L" shaped apron 2 feet wide. I then staked down the skirt and covered it in mulch.

If you wrap your pen, buy a roll of hardware cloth long enough to do it in one swoop. No openings left for anything to squeeze thru.
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