I just installed a wireless security camera. First such gadget for me. I have to find a power source for the second camera, but right now Camera #1 is pointed at the outside feeder at one end of one of the coops, and the coop and part of the run is now being displayed on the "VCR" input of my TV monitor. Audio too! (The audio is EXCELLENT - transmits the sound of the wind chimes, the chickens, and the neighbor's dogs right through the TV speakers. Both of MY dogs are sitting on the sofa tilting their heads, listening.)
Color image during daylight, supposedly b & w image at night.
Where I first placed the camera was at the top of a metal T-post, but I think the metal T-post was picking up extraneous radio signals or something, because the image rippled and popped. Then again, it's sort of sending the signal through the kitchen and - and probably my ancient fridge! - to the receiver.

So I moved the camera onto one of the back porch posts, checked the view, and screwed the base into that post.
I am currently watching the chickens and 2 ducks wander around (they range freely, but go in and out of the run and coops on a frequent basis) in front of the camera. It must be dinner time now, before they go put themselves to roost.
Oh, maaaan, is this fun! There goes Lola, the bantam black Cochin, trundling over to the nipple waterer. Molly, the black Australorp pullet is prancing back and forth like a ninny.

Not only do I love Chicken TV, but now I have my very own REALITY Chicken TV channel ON the TV set!
Dooley just realized he's watching our chickens on the TV set.