Seeing Worms


10 Years
Jun 5, 2009
Grayson, GA
I have three 3-month old peafowl which were not wormed by their original owner. I wormed them last week with "SafeGuard" after seeing a few 2" long thread-like dead worms on the ground.

Today I see a dozen or so dead worms on the ground. Questions: 1. Did I use the correct wormer?
2. Do I need to pick these dead worms up and remove them? I spread DE in the pen last nite.
3. I've been using pine shavings, but they have washed away in the floods we are having! We will replace them today.

Any help would be great! Thanks!
Thanks. What about removing them from them from the ground. Dang - we are in the midst of a 100 year flood here in metro Atlanta and it's a mess out there!

I'll add new shavings after the rains stop.

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