Seeking advice for turkey with eye issue...


Apr 15, 2015
Northern Wisconsin
(Advice needed).
Ok.. so when I went to pick up my first two pet turkeys on Sunday, I brought my husband with me to prevent me from getting more. Well that backfired... he said we would also take a Tom when he was offered To us free with the hens. I kept thinking of excuses and saying "no thank you", but he just kept saying we should get him.
Well HIS turkey, whom he named "Blackbeard", has an eye issue. It is very swollen and sometimes has puss around it. (Yep.. I saw this at the breeders, pointed it out, and my husband STILL said it's ok, we'll take him) I THINK I have gotten it to improve after using an antimicrobal eye wash, and giving him probiotics and vitamins to boost his immune system. I also dewormed him using safeguard. There is also garlic and cayenne pepper in their feed. Whew! I did everything I could think of! What do you think caused this?!? Does it look like I got it To improve? Any advice appreciated!



Not sure of his age...

The 2nd picture is of day 2, after I tried to treat it. Wondering if anyone thinks it looks better, what could have caused it, and what I should do from here... thanks!!
It looks a lot better day 2. You can try doing what you are doing and see if it clears up. If not check at your local feed store usually they will have some sort of antibiotic that can help with the swelling
Too tell age how long are the spurs on his legs.

Not sure on the eyes.

Turkeys are prone to respitory infections that cause swelling of nasal cavities and the eyes sometimes.
Just general emergency.

But you might pm. @casportpony she has given a lot of medical advice. She may be able to help.

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