Seeking info for New Mexico food-related publication - Taos, Santa Fe, Albuquerque (and nearby)

The Necessarian

6 Years
Apr 21, 2013
Albuquerque, NM
I am a writer doing researching for a piece about the "politics" of raising backyard chickens in Northcentral New Mexico. If you are in the Taos, Santa Fe, or Albuquerque areas (plus surrounding neighborhoods, suburbs, etc), please contact me with stories of how you have been able to access info for raising chickens in your neighborhood and, most importantly, how you have been able to smooth over any tensions between you and neighbor(s) concerning your raising chickens. I live in downtown Albuquerque, and am planning to raise my own chickens next year, so all this info will definitely come in handy. Thank you!
I don't have chickens yet, but I spoke to one of my neighbors about it. He said, "Oh, how cute!" I told him I would give him free eggs, so that's one neighbor down and two to go. My aunt in Albuquerque has chickens without any problems. She has 4, I think, and they are quiet.

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