Selling chicks hatched by hens


In the Brooder
May 19, 2018
Hey. Here's the situation. I have 2 hens that hatched 5 chicks each. I'm looking to get rid of most of them. The question I have is it safe to take them away from their mother that early? 1 batch is 3 weeks old the other is only a week. They've become assimilated to following mom around. Should I wait till 5 weeks or so. Or is it okay now.
I am facing similar situation. 10 in first clutch are 4 weeks old. 12 in second clutch are 2 days old. My plan is to wait until Mamas have weaned their chicks. Simply to cause less stress to the Mamas. I also should be able to discern the gender by then, and know which of the chicks I will keep for my own flock. Sexed, weaned pullets should bring a better price than straight run chicks that still require some heat.
I had one hen hatch 11 out of 12 eggs. No way were we going to keep all of them. I gave her 4 chicks to raise, rehomed the rest. She didn't seem to miss the other 7 chicks at all. Maybe you could try something like that.
Hens don't count their brood, but depend on line-of-sight, and distress cries to find them. On the other hand, my bantam mamas raise twelve bantam chicks often!
Taking all of them is bad for mama, and I agree that older chicks will sell better, and it will be better for you to pick keepers.

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