Selling meat birds, what legal requirements?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 17, 2013
After much success & joy with a small layer flock, I'm thinking about trying my hand at meat birds. I'm starting small (50 chicks) and have housing, feed, watering, etc figured out. I've found a USDA inspected butcher, so I can sell the meat... what am I forgetting or over-looking?? I figure if, worst case scenario, I can't sell any of this meat, I'll be able to feed my family for maaaany years. Haha!
I would recommend doing several batches for your freezer before trying to sell to others. This will allow you to determine your hard costs and you'll figure out the amount of time you will be putting into it. After that, first try selling to friends, family, and/or neighbors as a test run.
Right. I figure with 50, I can eat some, sell some to friends, maybe hit a few farmers markets this fall. Are there any more legal.... things?? that need addressed when selling a finished product like that on a person to person basis? I won't be forming an LLC or anything...yet
I guess my doubt is raised by someone telling me "oh, no you can't just butcher & sell them! You have to pay a US inspector $24/hr blahblahblah" but if I'm using a USDA facility... I've found you're really better off not sharing your ideas with people because they just fill your head with doubts. LOL!
Yeah, it depends on your state. We sold in California until a few months ago when we moved. We weren't required to do anything other than label our chickens with safe handling instructions, our county of operation, and the USDA exemption number we operated under. We weren't inspected by anyone and just had to process under "sanitary" conditions though there weren't any regulations that defined what that meant. Check out your state regulations.

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