Separate Rooster from the hens or keep them together??

Swim Skinny

In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 7, 2012
I have a very amorous RIR rooster and 17 hens....separate or not?? I've tried putting my BBR banty rooster and hens in with the others....the RIR rooster tries to mount them all. I want to keep him for hatching out some eggs in the spring, but he's starting to get pretty overly aggressive with all of my birds...what to do??
As I suspected. He's not yet a rooster. He'll not be a rooster until he is a year old. He's an over-sexed, hormone duped cockerel. He'll be much better at everything when he's older. Most cockerels go through a stage such as this. I've seen them mature quickly, while others have taken a few months to mellow out a bit. Usually? Give it some time and he'll be just fine. He'll become more masterful at mating and better at doing "his job".

What we may perceive as "aggression" with the pullets is often little more than incompetency.
Is he physically damaging any of them? If he is, by all means separate. Give him and the pullets time to mature so they both can do their part.

I totally agree with Fred, but sometimes the pullets lack of maturity and incompetence adds even more to the illusion of aggression. Time is your best ally.
There is no need to keep him if you are unhappy with his behavior. Not all roosters are aggressive as young birds, some are real gentlemen right from the start. He may or he may NOT grow out of it.

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