Separate shoes for chicken run?

Yep!! This is why I don’t help out other chicken keepers. The risk for both our flocks is too great. Depending on where you live, there are usually pet sitters that will help with chickens. If not, a neighbor or friend without poultry is best.
I know, I really shouldn't, but she can't always find an alternative, and I just want to help. It's not just chickens, she has large farm animals as well, and that's more than what pet sitters are willing to take on (or have experience with).
I have washable crocks for my outside shoes. I may not track in chicken poop, but there is all kinds of stuff I wold prefer to keep out of my house. It also means I don't have to worry about what I have walked in when I leave the house.

As for biosecurity, duck feet take protozoa and all kids of things from one body of water to another. The algae, etc, dry on their feet while in flight, much of it survives in a dry state.
Yes, I have separate shoes to practice good bio security. I have shoes for warm weather and boots for cold weather that are ONLY for my chicken yard. My street shoes are never worn in my chicken yard or coop.

If I’m going to visit someone that has chickens, I will shower first and then put on fresh clothes just before going to their house. I also bring a pair of pre-bleached garden shoes to wear in their chicken yard. When I’m done the shoes are removed and placed in a disposable bag for the ride home. I use disinfecting wipes for my hands before getting in my truck. I have all this prepped ahead of time.

Once home, my clothes go immediately into the hamper and then I shower again. I put on the clothes that I wore at the beginning of the day. I will then bleach the garden shoes from my friend’s house. That way they are ready to go if I visit someone with chickens.

All that said, I do limit my visits to others’ chicken yards and coops. It might seem like a lot of extra work, but it really isn’t. It’s just having a routine and being prepped ahead of time. I just don’t want to give anything to someone else’s chickens and nor do I want to bring anything home to mine. 👍😊
you got it together!
For example, a bought of Salmonella, etc. today will make national news and result in massive recalls and processing plant shutodowns.
Cute catachresis there--I presume you meant "bout." For myself, even if the whole world wants to go into panic mode about biological matters (or otherwise), I refuse to be forced to fear. For example, during the initial covid lockdowns I still visited sick friends in the hospital, without a face mask (third world country and many did not have the money for the masks, nor were they enforced), and, guess what?! I'm alive and well today to tell the story. I've had covid, and, therefore, have natural immunity.

And that's what we need with our animals, too: natural immunity.
This one is easy! What else but this:

They also have the boot style.
Our chickens are free range and wander several acres. We each have yard shoes and then standard shoes. When we're outside doing ANYTHING, we wear yard shoes. If we're going into town to run errands, we wear other shoes. They don't cross over. We dip the bottom of our shoes in bleach water once a month or so; more often in the summer.

We sweep the entry driveway, garage & carport at least once a day to remove and dry poop and I hose it down every other day or so.

Once we get to the house, all shoes come off and people either go barefoot or wear slippers. No shoes in the house.
Cute catachresis there--I presume you meant "bout." For myself, even if the whole world wants to go into panic mode about biological matters (or otherwise), I refuse to be forced to fear. For example, during the initial covid lockdowns I still visited sick friends in the hospital, without a face mask (third world country and many did not have the money for the masks, nor were they enforced), and, guess what?! I'm alive and well today to tell the story. I've had covid, and, therefore, have natural immunity.

And that's what we need with our animals, too: natural immunity.
Egg Blues! I'm with you 100%. Where i come from, i'm a pure blood! Natural immunity for the win!
P.S. One thing I haven't quite figured out how to do, in terms of carrying things from one property to another, is mites... I have separate shoes and clothes, but mites can ride back in your hair, in your underwear, in tiny cracks and wrinkles and such and unless you do a full-on decontamination procedure like they do in the movies, I don't see how you can prevent them from coming home with you. I brought mites back to my coop like that last summer, when a friend of mine had them and I tended to her chickens while she was away... I knew she'd had them on and off, but thought that was one of the "off" periods. Guess not :( By the time I noticed them in her coop, I'd already been going there for a few days and soon enough, I found them in my coop, too.
Yep!! This is why I don’t help out other chicken keepers. The risk for both our flocks is too great. Depending on where you live, there are usually pet sitters that will help with chickens. If not, a neighbor or friend without poultry is best.

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