Separate the bully or the bullied?

The pecking order much like any social structure is continually subject to change. Those at the bottom are looking for an opportunity to improve their position while those at the top are continually reinforcing their dominance. It's what chickens do.
A good rooster can help with much of the 'mean girl' antics. Fertile eggs are no different than non fertile eggs until they are incubated.
Hello everyone! I have been reading BYC for 2 years but just joined. I have read through everything on bullying and as always the info is fantastic. I was wondering if anyone would advise me on how to handle my bully. I seem to have the opposite problem. My two favorite girls don't get along. They are both sweet as pie and want to be loved all the time. They get along great during the day. But at night Ducky [that's her name] stands guard inside the coop usually ontop of a nesting box. She waits for Sunshine to enter and she pounces on her and attacks her. Ducky is are largest chicken, and Sunshine is are smallest. Sunshine is injured and can hardly walk. It breaks my heart. It seems to be in her hip not her leg. I have tried to sneak Sunshine into the coop from another area but it doesn't help. Ducky hunts her down and still attacks her. I put Ducky in the old small coop by herself lastnight. Our girls don't have a run. They free range in our yard. Once I turn them loose they will all be together. My question is. Do you think it will help just to separate them at night only for a while.
Any thoughts would be appreciated!
I have newer hens that aren't a year old yet. I introduced them to my flick of 4. Now the new Astrlop is bullying all the others. No blood but pecking and pulling feathers out. I know they have to find their "pecking order" but it has been a few months now and the bully is making it hard for some of the others to eat? :/
Add more food and water bowls around so the pecked on ones have other options. If they are not causing blood you might just leave things as is until the pecking order is settled. Good luck!
I posted this in another spot but I think this is the place to be:

Some background information:
I have three hens who grew up together from chicks. They’re ten months old. All three are laying as of this moment.

Breeds & Names include:
Production Red-PBH
2 Easter Eggers- Phoebe and Ragina

All three have been fine together and our Production Red seem to take the leadership role.
As for their living corridors, they have a coop along with large area 6x8 to roam in. We do not allow them to roam the yard unsupervised, as we have MANY red tail hawks who live in the area. We also don’t have a lot of coverage for them to hide in for safety.

Our issue:
Last Wednesday, Phoebe began to attack Ragina on the back of her head. My husband was home and didn’t realize how badly the injuries were. He didn’t know what started it, he just heard loud cries. Ragina was bleeding on her head and comb. PBH (our production red) could care less. Because PBH wasn’t harming our injured Ragina, we allowed them to stay in the main area together. My husband and I did our research and put a wire barrier between the 2 calm gals and the bully. At night, we brought the bully, Phoebe, into the house and placed her in a bin to sleep.

Thursday: Ragina was healed and we decided to cover her head with Vaseline (as we read about online). We also extended their run out the back by using a dog wire gate, adding more space for them. Phoebe continued to attack Ragina. At one point, she looked like she was cleaning her, then stopped, stared at each other and then attack her. Every time Phoebe would do this Ragina would bow her head and run away. Ragina seemed to flee every area Phoebe was in and at one point when I opened their gate, she ran out to me. So we put Phoebe back in the smaller area for the day but let her sleep in the large coop with the other gals.

Friday, We decided to separate her from the group, still being able to see each other for three days. I was hoping this would bring her down a peg or two. We would bring Phoebe inside each night, not allowing her to sleep with the other girls.
Today, we let all three of them out in the backyard with supervision. Ragina seemed to stay clear of Phoebe and Phoebe showed little interest in Ragina. After about two hours, Phoebe began to lightly pick on Ragina, stopped, they stared at each other and pecked her hard on her head. SIGH! UGH! So now we are back to separation and honestly, exhausted!
I read mixed reviews on separating the bully from the group. Some said separate with view of other chickens, while others have said separate completely. Should I try to separate her completely with out view of the other girls?
We are pretty much desperate at this point and would love to figure this out. Ragina and Phoebe used to be buddies. They followed each other around and also slept right next to each other. Now, blood is drawn and I can’t figure out how to get them back to healthy terms.

Please HELP!!!!!
I posted this in another spot but I think this is the place to be:

Some background information:
I have three hens who grew up together from chicks. They’re ten months old. All three are laying as of this moment.

Breeds & Names include:
Production Red-PBH
2 Easter Eggers- Phoebe and Ragina

All three have been fine together and our Production Red seem to take the leadership role.
As for their living corridors, they have a coop along with large area 6x8 to roam in. We do not allow them to roam the yard unsupervised, as we have MANY red tail hawks who live in the area. We also don’t have a lot of coverage for them to hide in for safety.

Our issue:
Last Wednesday, Phoebe began to attack Ragina on the back of her head. My husband was home and didn’t realize how badly the injuries were. He didn’t know what started it, he just heard loud cries. Ragina was bleeding on her head and comb. PBH (our production red) could care less. Because PBH wasn’t harming our injured Ragina, we allowed them to stay in the main area together. My husband and I did our research and put a wire barrier between the 2 calm gals and the bully. At night, we brought the bully, Phoebe, into the house and placed her in a bin to sleep.

Thursday: Ragina was healed and we decided to cover her head with Vaseline (as we read about online). We also extended their run out the back by using a dog wire gate, adding more space for them. Phoebe continued to attack Ragina. At one point, she looked like she was cleaning her, then stopped, stared at each other and then attack her. Every time Phoebe would do this Ragina would bow her head and run away. Ragina seemed to flee every area Phoebe was in and at one point when I opened their gate, she ran out to me. So we put Phoebe back in the smaller area for the day but let her sleep in the large coop with the other gals.

Friday, We decided to separate her from the group, still being able to see each other for three days. I was hoping this would bring her down a peg or two. We would bring Phoebe inside each night, not allowing her to sleep with the other girls.
Today, we let all three of them out in the backyard with supervision. Ragina seemed to stay clear of Phoebe and Phoebe showed little interest in Ragina. After about two hours, Phoebe began to lightly pick on Ragina, stopped, they stared at each other and pecked her hard on her head. SIGH! UGH! So now we are back to separation and honestly, exhausted!
I read mixed reviews on separating the bully from the group. Some said separate with view of other chickens, while others have said separate completely. Should I try to separate her completely with out view of the other girls?
We are pretty much desperate at this point and would love to figure this out. Ragina and Phoebe used to be buddies. They followed each other around and also slept right next to each other. Now, blood is drawn and I can’t figure out how to get them back to healthy terms.

Please HELP!!!!!
Are you using Blukote spray on the wounds? This helps them heal, but also disguises the wounds so the other chickens won't keep picking; they don't see the wounds any more. That might be part of Phoebe's issue, although won't explain why it started in the first place.

You have to separate the bully from view. You are trying to 'reset' their status in the pecking order, and if in view, they will still be the boss, even if separate. (It would be different if you were separating Regina to allow her to heal; you want her within view of the others as much as possible.). But bullies should be completely separate.
I'v heard varying lengths of time; a 'few days', to a 'few weeks'. I tried it for 2 weeks with a bully hen, and it did not work, so I rehomed her.
Much more peaceful ever since.

So sorry to hear this, it is very frustrating!
Thank you! Regina's injuries weren't too bad and actually healed within a day. There are no visible spots on her. I think I am going to separate Phoebe, the bully completely. Can I set up a pinned area (covered) with a large dog crate in my garage? I don't know the extent I need to go with this. I would hate to take away her "exercise" by leaving her in a large dog crate. Any suggestions help. And if I keep her away for a week, should I re-introduce her by keeping them separate but able to see each other (like your would a new hen to the group) or just plop her in with the girls?
The garage would be fine. And a dog crate is fine, too. That's what I used and put a 2x4 in for a roost. Shavings on the floor, food and water available.
If you have a side yard and the weather is ok, you can carry her to it for a few hours per day. Or if the weather's bad, let her out in the garage when you can, so she can stretch her wings. I'd try a week. If you can manage it, maybe two. And then just plop her in, perhaps set her on a roost after dark.
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Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!!!!!!!! All of this truly helps and make me feel a little bit better. Yah weather is not suppose to be too grand this week. I think I will stick to the garage and when weather permits, bring her to the side of the house for some exercise. I'll plop her in at the end of this separation so I can watch all of their behavior. I'll keep yah posted.

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