SEpt 11th hatch date NEW PIC'S~

Well, waiting for a break in the rain... here's one you asked for and one you didn't, cause I couldn't help myself! Check out that fuzzybutt and those shanks!

Adorable none-the-less! In my second picture of the sizzle, you can see the BCM's head just to the left. It has cute yellow eyebrows! I'm so sorry your sizzles didn't hatch. They're more like little toys than live animals. I've set down the law around here that nobody, not even me, touches or picks them up for 1 week. I'm trying to avoid ANY stress at all in the hopes that nobody will develop pasty-butt or susceptibility to respiratory illness. My experience with the hatchery chicks earlier this year cured me. I think they were exposed to drafts, dirty little hands of neighborhood children, etc. etc. etc.!
Breeding the BCMs in the future? Let's see what we've got first! LOL
yeah, my kids keep wanting to hold them and i had to freak out on them! Mine like the towel i have wrapped up like a nest. the snuggle in it. I don't have bedding yet due to no car, and the key issue yesterday. they just love the towel! Hope they are staying warm!!!

i ambout to set my ducks, giantxaseel, frizelxleghorn, seremas, and some other crazy mixes given to me from poultryhaven.

So wait were they sizzel silkies? they are soooo cute!!!
Yes - frizzles X silkies, either black roo or red roo - she didn't email me pics of the hens. Don't know, don't care, don't think about it, don't plan to be a breeder, just love the babies! My very very nice neighbor came over to see them and casually says with a smile on her face, "What are you going to do if you have lots of roosters? I don't think I could take all that crowing." So with a smile on my face I answered, "Multiple roosters don't usually crow, just the alpha rooster." Hoping I'm right! (nail-biting goes here). We're on 2 acres outside the city so I can have them, but sure do love the neighbors.... hoping for pullets!!!

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