September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

We're on day 15

Keep them in!
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So I just candled my eggs. Day 11 Marans. I didn't think I'd see much and I've randomly looked at several over the past week and they all looked the same. Very dark and an air cell. Today was the same I was going row by row and thinking wow maybe they are all good or I just can't see I got to the last two rows and then I started seeing ones that were not dark. Like almost I could see inside. Like a small shaded area. I think I have maybe one entirely clear and another 6 that I think are early quitters. I just can't be sure if it's not the dark shell messing with what I can see. But my last hatch they started quitting one by one. Next hatch I'm getting some incubator accessories because I think there's cold and hot spots and humidity is off. I am trying to be optimistic that's 29 good ones? I really hope so.

My maran eggs have all fooled me at one time or another then they all hatch. I had 5 hatch in a bator incubated with duck eggs and high humidity. They are crazy!
I set 14 Bresse eggs Thursday 6:45 p.m.
have in GCF vent holes closed up.
temp steady so far 99.5 F 40 C
65%humidity no water added
disinfected everything, put temp up high for a couple days, brought back to "normal" set eggs still high humidity.
Briefly candled saw, what I take for a yolk in a couple of them, maybe 3. Shells not all that translucent in most
eagerly waiting day 8 to candle again.
Erica blew herself out over Dominican Republic, 20 reported dead.
You are in Arizona? What hatchery in Phoenix? I can't find any good eggs here (and I'm not picky, just pure bred and good layer and not super expensive). That's why I got mine when I was in California.

My bad... The hatchery i was looking at sells chicks only...hope my eggs work
I wouldnt stop hoping. What day are they on? Get it back up to temp and give it a few days and then candle. You never know. Low temp is survivable.

Agreed. They could be ok. 78 isn't suppppper low. They may hatch a little later than normal ( a day or so) but echoing others comments, many could still survive.
Went ahead and threw out those three porous eggs tonight. :( Have 5 little swimming silkies.

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