September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

Yay you!!!! Do you know the other twos sexes?

The quail? No, they are too small to safely check. Although, if their constant peeping is any indicator then they are most likely both male. (males tend to be more vocal than females.) They did quiet down considerably once the ducklings were added to their broader. Unfortunately, they have to eat entirely different feed and will be separated tomorrow once a larger broader has been prepared for the ducklings.

Hello BYC
Itty Bitty silver duckwing
My weak chick that needed help hatching, passed last night. She fought for a full week. I knew the poor little thing didn't have much of a chance, something about her was just 'off.' I only got one healthy, live female chick (they were black sexlinks) from my broody hatch. I'm very tempted to fire up my incubator again.
:duc I've got NEWS!! :duc

First the bad news: The quail chick didn't hatch. I opened the egg earlier today and found the chick died before even pipping internally. :hit One of the two chicken eggs quit some time ago but wasn't noticed until candling/lockdown.

Now the good news: The last two ducklings have hatched and are happily sleeping in the brooder with their siblings. :celebrate 2 males and 2 females.

Hatching results so far stand at 9:9 ducks 100%. 2:6 quail(so far, one more quail set(10) still to come). 3:5 chicken (still waiting to see if fourth egg will hatch).

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Opinions on something:

I have both quail and chicken eggs in the same incubator (only have 1). The quail eggs are due for lockdown on Sat, but the chicken egg, set the same day, are not due for lockdown until after the quail eggs are supposed to hatch (day 17). Will they be ok in the same incubator, or should I try to invent a hatcher for the quail eggs? My main concern with doing this is the temperature. I have the incubator set up to run off of a computer which keeps it at a steady 99.5 degrees (thank you daddy
), but it will only work with one bator at a time. My intention was to keep them together at the 65% humidity necessary to hatch, but open a window to turn the chicken eggs a couple times a day/mist the incubator after with a spray bottle to keep humidity up.

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