September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

The biggest questions That i have is the humidity levels. My incubator runs normally dry around 35-40 depending on the day. When i have added water it only temporally increases the range and quickly i see it drop back down to the 35-40 range. I am worried if I am to place a sponge or another item in the incubator that it may hold bacteria and put the eggs at risk. I am using distilled water. Does anyone have any advice for the lock down phase?

Thanks for reading and happy hatching to you all!
I buy new sponges and boil them. I then place them below the air hole or close an opening so i can add water to it if absolutely necessary. ( In the winter i had humidity problems...and i made a tent around the incubator with a humidifier blasting.)

Good luck with your Orusts. I have only one orust roo who thinks he is a Sussex. LOL
Best of luck with your eggs!

I'm done hatching for the year, but I totally can't wait for spring!!

I usually let hem sit one or two days more. The only time I let a hen sit longer is when her eggs went dormant due to them getting cold during incubation.

Beautiful, beautiful birds! I love orusts.

Is the incubator getting too much ventilation? That could be causing the problem. For my incubator I used dishes of water and a dish of vermiculite (like they use in reptile incubators) which supposedly doesn't grow bacteria easily.

I'm so sorry. We lost a chick we helped as well, it was so sad.

So adorable! Congrats!

Thank you!!

I am hatching for the first time! This is my trail run but so far so good! Hatch date is the 3rd of October! I just missed the 'september side of the hatch a long! The breed i am hatching out are Orust and Welsummers. There are 5 orust and 3 welsummers. I am just in awe of the beautiful growth of the embryos! The next 3 photos are all of my guys. The egg photo is from last week, the baby chick Orust photo from a photo in Feb/March and the bottom photo of a 7 month old roo Orust. ;) From This... To this... To this.... The biggest questions That i have is the humidity levels. My incubator runs normally dry around 35-40 depending on the day. When i have added water it only temporally increases the range and quickly i see it drop back down to the 35-40 range. I am worried if I am to place a sponge or another item in the incubator that it may hold bacteria and put the eggs at risk. I am using distilled water. Does anyone have any advice for the lock down phase? Thanks for reading and happy hatching to you all!
Beautiful chicks! I've also used sponges (microwaved in water to kill bacteria). And I've used a shot glass too, because I didn't need too much more. Bowls are ok, just make sure if a chick hatches, that it can't get in the bowl and drown. Humidity depends on surface area of the water, not how much water, nor the depth of the water, so even wet paper towels can bump it up quick, they just dry out quicker.
It can take anywhere from 2 hours to over 24 hours to hatch after pipping. It's hard work to break through that shell, and a chick needs to rest before attempting to zip. The blood vessels don't begin to recede until after that first pip, and the yolk needs to finish absorbing. All of that takes time.
If the chick is attempting to zip, but isn't making any progress after 2 hours, then you can try to start assisting. But you need to be very careful, and go slowly. And stop if there is any bleeding.

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