September Egg Swap--Sign-ups closed--check posts for shipping updates!

I'm sure he will love that!
Well, Tofuranch, they should feel like they're right at home then. I hope they hatch like they're at home! I really like those you? I can fit 6 of those in my bator, but what I usually do is one of those and a rack of either 72 or 120 quail eggs on each shelf. Do you think I have an addiction problem?

OK these are some of the eggs I got from the swap+ some I added!!
The top row ?
The dark ones? I guessing cuckoo marans

The green ones are gunna be olive eggers...
Last 3 rows are kate Morreale silkies..
Also got some more eggs under my brody from my swap partner I'm thinking silkies..
I can fit six of those racks + 3 that my husband cut for me in the trays in my incubator. So lots of eggs in each rack. If you are addicted so am I.

just getting into quail, can anyone tell me what a good rack is and where to get it???

I love egg pictures and picture of birds, they are great

BTW I just hatched 5/5 of the eggs I sent you, have you figured out what they are???
I couldn't tell you about quail racks. We have these funky foam circles we cut out of some foam egg shipping things. I'll have to take a pic. We use those in regular chicken racks or pheasant racks to make them fit.
Are you talking racks for auto turners? That I don't know, but for mine I use both the blue rack that holds (I think) 120 eggs or the black plastic ones you can buy on eBay. The blacks are very light weight plastic, but I like them best. The blue ones have holes with spikes that hold the eggs in place, but my quail chicks always seem to get caught in those. Usually upside down, so then I have to get in there and resuce them. The black ones are solid cup type, and don't catch the babies. They hold 72 eggs.
What the eggs are...well, I'm guessing Blk LF Cochins, but beyond that, I'm lost. What are they?????

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The blue quail ones are like what we have, but should be smaller. I don't know about the chicks getting caught though because we remove them from the racks and put them in a hatcher on the stop turning day
This is all I have in my lonely echoey bator at the moment. Some of the eggs are in those foam rings and most of the smaller button quails a little further back are in paper towel cups. Way in the back are empty paper towel cups that we never bothered to remove from the racks.


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