***SEPTEMBER HATCH-A-LONG come join in***

i have one egg hatching. i thought they was due on the 17th guess i messed up on dates. but the bad thing is she isnt sitting on all the eggs so i put some in my incubator. i gave her 4 (out of 8) i hope they all live
today was hatching day, 21st day. I have 5 hatched, well actually 6, and one straggler. One, the 6th is so weak. I don't think it will make it. But I have my fingers crossed and brooder ready. Hope everyone has a good hatch. This is the first time I've used mine. Easier than I thought it would be. I just kept the temps adjusted right, and kept them turned.
I told you all I had 9 little D'Uccles hatchout, well the hen went back on the nest to 3 eggs...I really thought they were all washed up, but she sat on them and now I have 2 additional little ones. LOL...so it was 11 from the last batch.
Mine hatched yesterday, two have problems. I've posted the problems under the raising babies/chicks folder.
Thanks for the September hatch along.
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tomorrow is hatch day I'm so nervous because i haven't had very good hatches lately. all 7 seramas were moving in the egg on lockdown but we all know that doesnt nessarily mean all will hatch but
. on a side note should be getting eggs in the mail this week so i'm up for an Oct. hatch a long when it starts
Got my
for you, txmel. I really hope you get a great hatch this time.

Well, everybody, my 50 remaining Coturnix eggs go into lockdown tomorrow. I candled them Friday and I only have three of them with question marks. I'll be checking them out tomorrow morning before lockdown. Hopefully they're coming along.

I know I said this would be my last hatching for the year, but....
well, I just gotta get one more in, lol. I'll have some Silkie and Silkie cross eggs going in for sure, and working on some of those Blue Plymouth Rocks, along with some Blue Wheaton/Wheaton Ameraucanas.
I just hope I'm able to get those, I've been drooling over all the blues out there....so pretty. I've even got the whole family re-working and adding onto our old pens, not to mention the three new pens we're adding.

Loving all the pics ya'll have been posting.....just adorable
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UGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going nuts! these ducks take FOREVER! I am used to the chickens and the quail (more quail than chickens) :hmm Going crazy.... only on day 11..... I started with 16, now down to 7 lost 1 a couple of days ago... had a temp spike, it was 104 outside..... we only have unit ac and it got pretty warm in my room. spiked the bator up to 103.1 and the humidity dipped to about 46.... all the others are doing well...... I cannot stop candling them..... once every day or so..... lol...... they are so much eaier to see than the chickens and quail..... my daughter (who is 4) was facinated..... I CANT WAIT for little fluffy butts! The last little duckies I had are now GROWN.... that was at easter! I cant wait..... oops I said that already!

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