***SEPTEMBER HATCH-A-LONG come join in***

thanks Lesa it is my first time with Quail but ive hatched chicks a few times. I use rubbermaid tubs with hardware cloth tops for brooders. I just looked in and there are chicks everywhere!!
I woke up to 7 cortunix quail. I had processed some hens a little while back and removed the eggs they had in them. Five didn't have the spots on them yet, they're just a light blue. One of them hatched as well. There are still plenty in there to go but I was curious if they would hatch. So far 1 has. They all look good too. There where some that I removed from the hens that did have spots on them but I didn't mark which ones they where so I have no idea now.
My serama eggs usually hatch on day 21, I wouldn't worry quite yet! Don't open the incubator yet! Wait until at least day 23-24 for pips and then worry and open.

Speaking of which, two adorable serama chicks hatched under my broody yesterday, yay! And I'm putting all my incubator serama eggs into lockdown tonight.
I just finished my first hatch. Eleven BBS Orpingtons went into lock down and eleven hatched!
The last egg hatched two DAYS after the first. I asked my husband to pull the egg out of the bator to toss it. When he did, he heard cheeps and pecking. Another twelve hours later and it was out. It's iddy biddy, but doing great. I took this group photo before it hatched:

They are beautiful! I have 31 BBS eggs into my bators right now. I pray for a good hatch
They are my favorite chickens so far. I love the buffs but the Blue Black mixes have a little bit of a sassy attitude.
I have cortunix hatching since yesterday. They seem to really pop out during the night.
I put the first half in a brooder last night so the new ones wouldn't get rampled. I have a toe biter in there but don't know which one.
The younger ones have a broken toe. Anyway. I put 12 in the brooder and woke up to 6 more. I had processed some hens and those that had an egg inside I removed it and put them in the bator. 4 of them didn't even have the spots on them yet, they are just blue and they have all hatched but 1. One of them produced a solid yellow chick and another one that is almost all black. The other is normal colored. I thought there where 5 blue ones as I put in a previous post but there where only 4. There is still one left to hatch.

I woke up to bater temps at 96 degrees.
Will that hurt anything. One bator is full of quail eggs. The other has 2 dozen and chicken eggs and it was also down to 98. I broke out the heaters this morning and put one in the nursery. I really don't like winter.
Glad to help, icemanchicken. I was worried I might have come across as a 'no it all', which I definitely don't. Your chicks look like they're doing just great. Good job!!

Madcap, here's a pic of one I just took out of the bator:

He/she wasn't happy to be on that cold table, lol.
And here's one of the eggs next to a quarter:

I have to admit, I'm enjoying this cool spell. It's been horribly hot and humid here this year, just miserable. But the cooler weather does make it much tougher on hatching out chicks, specially when time for the brooder.....I had to go outside this morning and make sure my baby quails were staying warm enough, added a thick quilt to the outside of the cage. Hoping that helps to keep the draft down. Two are not looking great, so I separated them. Drastic temp changes always take a toll on them if they're only a few days old.
Awww, adorable babies, everyone!

My serama hen Charming hatched three super-cute chicks yesterday and today, hoorah! And she also adopted a little mystery bantam chick that came in to my wildlife rehab group. It's maybe six days old and has fuzzy feet and blue-ish feathers coming in. Adorable! I'm so glad she adopted it so it'll be raised with a mama and siblings and not be lonely and scared.

I'll post pictures soon--I'm expecting incubator seramas to hatch within the next two to four days, so once those are out I'll do a baby chick photospree!
I just looove having little chicks!

On a sadder note, I was moving eggs into lockdown and I have a few of my guinea fowl eggs in the incubator as well (for someone else). I dropped one of the guinea eggs on the ground and it totally cracked. As I went rushing outside to throw it in the bushes, two streams of blood ran down my hands from the egg.
I didn't open it up more to look at the fetus, it would've upset me too much. It didn't stand a chance at all, though.
So sad!
Congratulations on the chicks! Can't wait to come over and see them! I will be curious to see what your mystery chick turns out to be! I saw a lone Bantam chick at Echo Valley a couple of days ago and almost bought it because it looked so tiny and lonely in with the LF chicks! It was an odd color, chocolate with feathered feet. Breed? Sorry about the Guinea egg!! I know how upset you must have been!!

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