***SEPTEMBER HATCH-A-LONG come join in***

I couldn't take not being able to see into the FBCM eggs so I ran to the store and purchase a LED flashlight with 115 lumen. Boy did that make a difference.
I was able to determine that the Ameraucana egg I suspected did in fact have a blood ring. I cracked it open and was right on. That is 4 out of 5 of my blue eggs that so far are developing. I was also finally able to see into my FBCM eggs easily with the new light. One had blood ring and three clear. Cracked them open to be sure. I was so relieved that I had not misjudged the eggs. I would not be happy about cracking open a viable egg accidentally. Only 2 of the 6 FBCM are developing. I am totally worried that I will do something stupid and kill the viable chicks.

I only have 6 out of 11 eggs left. What are the chances of having at least one or two hatch? Seeing all the stories about eggs that don't end up hatching even after being viable on day 7 on the board is really starting to scare me.
UPDATE---My husband just got home and called to say that I have 5 already born and more on their way!!! I am so excited!!! I will try to take pictures tonight!
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I have about 12 Exchequer leghorns left. I got 16, and 2 were broken when they arrived. Then I smelled something funny coming from the bator. So when I checked two of the eggs were "seeping" What could have caused this? (Do you think that they were somehow broken and I did not notice at the time I was putting them in?) Those are gone.

One of the BCM eggs had the same thing. So I am down to 12 leghorns, 7 BCM, 7 blue orp's, and my own 2 Cuckoo Marans, and three crosses of Brahma X BCM. (Just for fun)

My question is this, with so many eggs, should I candle a few at a time? So the temps don't go down in the incubator? Or is it OK to candle all at once.

Also, what does a blood ring look like?
Oh good....my friends are tired of hearing the "egg update" so here goes. I bought 12 silkie eggs and had them shipped in. She kindly sent me 13. 5 were buff, 5 were white and 3 were cuckoo. In reality the actual cuckoo was the one who ordered them! HA!

I had two broody hens, first time rookies, who just wouldn't give up and get off the nest. Soooooo I put these 13 eggs under them. I had to put them in a plastic basket with open waffle sides because they kept separating the eggs to parts unknown. Once they both settled on the eggs in the basket I thought things would be fine. They even take turns getting off the nest for food/water/poop. How sweet! The problem started when one of the others in the coop wanted in on the action. She walked all over them and finally plopped down between them and wiggled until she was between them. It was a very tight fit, believe me. Now she was apparently just visiting, not serious about the business at hand and left by the next morning, leaving an egg behind. Not fertile. Had to find the 14th egg without shaking up 1-13. Finally found it, put the 2 broodys back on them and chased Ms.Pushy out of the nest at least 5 times before I had to give up and go in the house.

The next day one of the eggs was broken. I think the pushy hen stepped on it. Wouldn't you know it was one of only 3 cuckoos! Arrrrrggggghhhh! Oh well, no reason to cry over spilled eggs.... Two days later I was checking the nest and feeling around the edges of the broodies to make sure all eggs were tucked and covered. One egg was about 3/4 way uncovered by the hen that pecks me soundly for my trouble every time I check the nest. The other one is a lamb. Well she pecked me pretty hard so I tried to push the egg underneath her just another few milimeters and I felt it go 'C-R-U-N-C-H' sickeningly, under my fingers. I had pushed my index finger into the egg and crushed that spot on the shell. I was FURIOUS with myself.....I have a gentle touch and take special care of these eggs......I don't know how it could have happened! So there I stood with an egg impaled on my finger, goo dripping down my arm, making up new swear words.

As I started to put it in the trash, I happened to see the markings on the shell.....you guessed it....."Cuckooo". Now I'm not only angry, I'm in tears from the frustration and the loss. I went in the house and had a conciliatory bowl of ice cream, covered in Kahlua. It didn't help. There aren't too many problems in life that can't be solved by a large bowl of ice cream, but this was one of them.

I checked them today and had to play the game of "find the extra unmarked egg" without disturbing the others. I found it, put them back, evicted another hen from the nest and went inside to cool off (it's in the 90's today).

They are supposed to hatch on the 20th or 21st. I don't know if my nerves will take it that long! I am having another coop built, but even if all goes well (which it rarely does), I won't get it before the 18th which is pretty close to hatch date. I have to take these broodies and their precious cargo out of the community coop before they hatch. When you do you all separate the broody mothers from the other adults? How long do you leave them with the chicks before putting them back in the grown-up coop? Mine do not free range, they are in a spacious 'Coop de ville' on shavings and do very well.

Obviously, the hens are not the only rookies in this deal.
All right, time to join you hatcher people again for the first time since April!
(Well, okay, I've had broodies hatching chicks since then, but they don't count!

I've got thirty-some serama eggs in the incubator, set on Wednesday evening, as well as a few guinea eggs I'm hatching on request. Unfortunately some of the serama eggs had detached aircells from shipping and a few of the eggs are abnormally shaped, but I'll be happy as long as I get even a few out of this hatch.
I'll update on how they're going once I've candled in a few days!

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