***SEPTEMBER HATCH-A-LONG come join in***

I shall try that, can't wait to see my showgirls!!!

Sorry about your last Silkie eggs, I hate when things like that happen especially when your so close to the end!!!

Best luck for your next hatch!!!

Updates- The splash pipped!!!!!! I am super happy!!

One of the white Showgirls pipped on the wrong side of the egg...

What are you hatching
Just keep an eye on it. Both my failtastic pippers survived, though one got partially shrinkwrapped and is still sporting a little bit of membrane between his shoulders days later. He had a tighter shell to navigate, but with a little careful assistance, he's here to tell the tale.
Had one to hatch so far, a Wellie/Game, yesterday morning! Will post a pic later. More should be coming along in the next few days. Silkies and my own Wellie/? mixes. Using a box in our dog crate that we had for a Labrador(it's a big crate) as a brooding pen cause my cat likes to follow me everywhere. She thinks chickie nuggets are tasty!
Lesa, thanks for the tip on marking the iffy eggs. I would never have thought of doing that and then that would make it harder to spot the possible duds. I don't even know what I will be able to see as its hardto see thru the Black Copper Marans and Olive Eggs. Some more than others. But I did buy a nice made for egg candeling light and we will see how it goes. I did notice I have to wait for it to be dark though, too much light in the daytime. I can just see myself trying to fit in the closet with the doors closed. That would be a real hoot

Anyway, the egg turning is going better now. Or I should say that I have settled in some. The first few times I had to turn them I was a wreck about it, thinking if I did it just right or not. But I am sure I am just overworrying being new to this and all.

When I first thought of getting chickens it took me a long time of looking at various options of just buying chicks and were and what until I decided that the best for me would be to just get fertile eggs and hatch them myself. Of course once THAT decision was made then I had to find just the right incubator. Another big decision with lots of looking. I finially went for the Genesis 1588 and I think it is a good choice.
YES! You get to participate in the September AND October Hatch-a-Longs!

My first time hatching was just a couple months ago - 7 olive egger eggs from Wynette, too! (Excellent wrapping job for shipping; I was afraid I'd smash an egg just trying to get each one out of its bubble wrap!) 6 hatched, 1 drowned in the water reservoir
but I have 5 healthy, happy and active chicks from that hatching. I didn't candle that batch, because I had no clue what to look for AND I didn't want to discover any early disappointments. I totally believed I would do something wrong and none of 'em would hatch.

Welcome aboard!

So Linda, do you have an update on that first hatching attempt of your olive eggers from Wynette? What colors and sexes did your chicks end up being?
You're welcome, Rita. I'm still new at all this, too. There are loads of people on here with way more to add. Lots of good people who helped me out as a newbie, and still helping me now. I have only seen the marans' eggs on here, and I hear they're pretty dark. I have an EE who lays pretty dark green eggs, with really thick shells. Also, I incubate Cotrunix quail eggs....pretty hard to see thru with all those dark spots on them. Someone once told me to try using a mini-maglite that I had taken the lens out of for the quail eggs....works perfect. I tried it on the dark green eggs, and found it shone right thru....bingo!!!!
I've tried all kind of lights/flashlights, and short of buying a candler, (pretty expensive) I think the mini-maglite is wonderful. When you take that lens out, it lets the egg 'sit' into the slightly dished part of the flashlight, enabling a more direct beam of light onto the egg itself. Anyway, I hope you much success and pleasing experiences with your hatches. Hang in there.
I have one of those cool light mini flashlight looking candelers. It does have the rubber sides and works great for fitting around the eggs. Mine is the IncuBright brand name. Didn't cost much at all.
I'm so jealous of all your hatches! I had 13 eggs (shipped in, not cheap) under 3 broodies. Today is day 21, I have 2 live babies that hatched yesterday and not another pip today. Is it usual for them to go more than 21 days or have I spent a lot of money and a whole lot more anticipation for just 2 chicks? I'm heartsick. I SO wanted a bunch of little peepers running around doing cute and endearing things! At what point do I give up? Day 22, 23, 24?

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