September Hatch-A-Long

I just know that in MA when I raised RIR I incubated closer to 98.5-99.5F and had great hatches, but when I used that previous experience down here in GA with eggs from a friend's mixed flock, it was disastrous. With the current batch I went higher and have had far more success thus far. Only 2/6 eggs (started with 9, but not counting three because they'd been hidden by a broody) made it two weeks and this batch I currently have 6/8 with one being infertile.
I just know that in MA when I raised RIR I incubated closer to 98.5-99.5F and had great hatches, but when I used that previous experience down here in GA with eggs from a friend's mixed flock, it was disastrous. With the current batch I went higher and have had far more success thus far. Only 2/6 eggs (started with 9, but not counting three because they'd been hidden by a broody) made it two weeks and this batch I currently have 6/8 with one being infertile.

I had to hatch out more of mine, because my last 2 batches sold like hotcakes!:lau
Despite disastrous shipping and a hurricane knocking out our power, my first hatch is moving along! Out of the seven eggs that made it to lock down, four have pipped and one is out. I suspect the others that have pipped will hatch overnight. How long do I give the remaining three, do you think? They're Seramas, so they hatch early. Today (Wednesday) is day 19.
I came home from work and there were some pips! My humidity is now around 65-69% since I was able to add a second container of water. At 6pm the first chick hatched, and the second hatched at 7:30pm. There is a third who is still zipping (actually started before chick #2) but hasn't popped out yet. 10pm, still only 2 out of the shell, although there are quite a few eggs showing pips and wiggling. I'm so excited!
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Yellow chick was first out, I hope it turns out to be a white quail, I don't have any of those so far. Second out is the darker chick at the bottom of the picture, it has lightened up a little as it is starting to dry. Not sure what color it will be yet. The almost white egg in the middle of the picture is the one who started zipping second, the fuzz that is sticking out the edges looks dark, so it will probably be another dark chick.
Update from this evening after work: there are now 20 chicks in the brooder and 5 more drying in the incubator. One chick passed but the rest seem to be doing ok. 26 more eggs still in the incubator with several zipping/pipping. Almost 50% success so far, not bad for shipped eggs. I will try to get some pics soon. So happy!
At the end of day 21, out of 17 eggs in lockdown, I have:

2 regular Jubilee orpington eggs doing absolutely nothing (I started with 14!!)
3 Blue/Black Jubilee eggs with large pips and some zips- I am expecting babies tomorrow!
4 Silver Laced Orpington chicks, one of which hatched out yellow (??!)
8 Blue/Black Jubilee Orpington chicks
So this morning I have 2 Jubilee's to hatch (apparently they take longer?!) and 1 Blue/black jubilee has a beak shoved through the pip made last night, but hasn't made any more progress.
Still alive and cheeping as it gets bowled over and knocked around.
When do we start thinking about intervention? Is it safe to pull the 24-hour siblings? (I would have to open the entire incubator and pull the drawer, dropping humidity to somewhere around 45% for 5 minutes, and then put the hatching egg back in.)
So this morning I have 2 Jubilee's to hatch (apparently they take longer?!) and 1 Blue/black jubilee has a beak shoved through the pip made last night, but hasn't made any more progress.
Still alive and cheeping as it gets bowled over and knocked around.
When do we start thinking about intervention? Is it safe to pull the 24-hour siblings? (I would have to open the entire incubator and pull the drawer, dropping humidity to somewhere around 45% for 5 minutes, and then put the hatching egg back in.)
How many other eggs are left? Or is that the last one?

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